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The absolute perfect girl, she's beautiful, kind, intelligent and ambitious, you can't go wrong with chelsea

Boy: Chelsea, go out with me plz.
Chlesea: Of course, I luv u

by Anonymous brms March 2, 2015

77πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


Chelsea is a female name originating from Britain, meaning 'ship's port'. Those with the name Chelsea feel that they are both creative and logical. Chelsea's are usually the third wheel in most social situations, but are always the first person they're friends go to for help with a personal predicament. Chelsea's are very loyal and will love you unconditionally.

"Chelsea, I feel like you're the only one who listens to me."

by Minichoo May 30, 2015

37πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


One amazing chicky. Weird ass, hilarious conversations are pretty much her thing. You could bring up any topic, and she could go on about it forever if she wanted to. Impossible to hate, and has tonnes of friends. Gorgeous girl who I am absolutely jealous of!

Person: That girl over there is laughing her ass off!

Other Person: She must have been talking to a Chelsea.

by imnotverycreative April 15, 2011

138πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


A pretty girl with a great personality. Can be incredibly stubborn and selfish, but also nice and funny. When a Chelsea gets insulted, she will fire back with the rudest and most horrible thing she can think of, but if it was to a friend, will later act as if nothing happened. Does not forgive easily and holds grudges. Can be a bitch but is also very sweet sometimes. Thinks the world of herself and a few others. When she cares she will do anything. Likes to be in control of every situation and everyone around her. Is brutally honest and will tell what she thinks even if it offends, but sometimes lies if she thinks it will hurt a person's feelings. Is smart, knows it, and flaunts it. All round a good person and a great friend when she is on your side.

'Oh my god she is such a Chelsea'

by qwsdcvbnjkl June 15, 2013

67πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


Chelsea is a cute person. She would live in a zoo if she had a chance. She thinks she has no friends but really everyone is by her side. Sometimes she is a bitch well most times See is but other times she acts like a perfect little angel. If u don’t have a Chelsea in your life you don’t deserve to live.

Boy 1: wow that girl is hot

Boy 2: it’s a Chelsea it’s a keeper
Boy 1: not if I get to her first
Boy 2: well hurry up I’m already there

by Yo gurl ima me person January 17, 2018

51πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


The most badass bitch you'll ever come in contact with! She's very loud and very proud.
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, mess with her, she's not afraid to kick some ass.
Chelsea has the most beautiful blue eyes you can get lost in, her hair is soft like a bunny, her personality is epicly awesome, and she's a cute short girl who loves a tall guy.
Often referred to as "Mama Bird" or "Big Booty Judy" Chelsea is loved by most and feared by all!
She is also the best girlfriend any guy could ever dream of, she does everything she possibly can for her man, and she doesn't mind!
A spunky, attractive, funny, street-smart, Ginger who knows how to talk her way out of anything and get what she wants by manipulating those she needs to in order to get what she wants. Chelsea is typically a warm-hearted lady who will help everyone she can in anyway she can. She is a great listener and the best friend anyone could ever ask for.
She treats her friends like family, especially her younger friends, she tends to "adopt" the younger kiddos as her own kids.
All in all, Chelsea is one of the best people to have in your life. Once you have her, NEVER let her go, EVER.

guy 1: "hey have you met chelsea yet?"
guy 2: "no not yet. why?"
guy 1: "you have to meet her! you'll fall in love!"

by toastyladyyy September 26, 2013

35πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Chelsea is an amazing girl with an amazing personality she is one of a kind. Chelsea is a very sweet and shy girl when you first meet her but when shes with the people she loves she goes crazy. A chelsea is a quite unique girl who is very trustworthy and she loves hanging out with friends and family, she is a cute , chubby and dark haired girl if you ever have her as a girlfriend you better treat her right and she is very prtective over her partner and will fight any one who hurts them or thier feelings.
Chelsea can be annoying she loves rap music and is very good with young children and babies .

guess what Blake and chelsea are dating.

by Dictionary@ April 7, 2019

80πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž