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Cian is a very strong, athletic, and good looking lad with often dark hair and brown eyes. He does not follow the group snd decides to stay on his own. Hes not fond of drinking or smoking. He often gets himself into trouble comes out ok.

"Thats fit fella over there is Cian, but apparently he's very shy, so good luck getting with him"

by UxhihaNoYxlb4 September 5, 2020


Often Tall, and dark haired, Cian's tend to be awesome and deep-thinkers. They have books of scrapbooks and do not hesitate to ask celebrity's to fill them. They tend not to go with the flow but at their own rhythm to life. They Will make friends with anyone of any age or size and not care about look but emphasis more on personality and intelligence. Cian's are great people and your lucky if you make friends with them! They are some of the best looking people to meet and are often Irish and know how to treat girls

Cian is a great person

by The real truth...... January 8, 2017

30πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


An amazingly good looking ,awesome,brown haired ,brown eyed,funny Irish guy. He is very intelligent,kind and a dream boyfriend. All the girls love him, he pleases them with ease. The boys want to be his mate and he is great at football. If you live near him, or go to his school,take this opportunity and be his friend, maybe his girlfriend if you are a girl. You would be so lucky.

I wish I was Cian, all the girls like him and he is so funny and good looking!!! Maybe he will make a lot modelling money

Girl:Who is that?

Cian’s mate:That’s Cian.
Girl: I want to go out with him!!!

by Cipe11 December 8, 2017

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


a real sweetie and a cutie

Cian’s a sweetie and a cutie. He’s a swutie!

by squirrels on surfboards November 9, 2019

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Ahhh Cian. A special breed of tarantula... Likes to touch sheep... Baa. He suffers with explosive diarrhea, likely from his desire of noodles with KFC.

Powan Person: *Sees tarantula*
Powan Person: There's diarrhea everywhere, it must be a Cian.

by K/O March 15, 2019

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


a complete dickhead and a fuckboy

wow that he is definitely a cian

by user113 October 14, 2019

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A short ginger bastard who will be quite happy once you're dead. Wrong him, and he'll ne a right twat. However, if you befriend a Cian, you'll see a flicker of his long lost soul. Overall he's alright though, and is a good lad to laugh the day away with.

That Cian lad is such a bastard.

by Some random gun enthusiast July 21, 2021