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A Clarissa is that girl that all the guys love. She is usually has a great body and a beautiful smile. Every girl wants to be like a Clarissa and thats why heaps of them are jealous of her. She is smart, funny, sexy, lovable and a hopeless romantic. You can tell if a Clarissa likes you if you see her glancing at you or asking you the most random questions.

Guy 1: Did you see that girl?
Guy 2: Yeah, she's so hot !
Guy 1:She must be a Clarissa
Guy 2: Yeah look at all the girls giving her dirties !

by HellaFella February 4, 2010

892๐Ÿ‘ 256๐Ÿ‘Ž


The coolest person in the world!

Person: Can I borrow your psych lectures
Clarissa: For sure!
Person: Wow Clarissa, you are the coolest person ever!

by Pay2121 October 9, 2008

769๐Ÿ‘ 288๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most amazing girl in the world; Flawless; perfect in every way imaginable.

Gosh; Rene is so lucky to have Clarissa; they're perfect together.

by Guitar_God. February 3, 2012

334๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž


While she may be moody, she is hot and thick and loves guys even when they are total dicks. Clarissa is a great friend and a sexual one too. Clarissa just wants a fun time, but in the end will usually end up crying. Of course one of Clarissa's friends will come to the rescue

Wow did you see Clarissa, She is hot!
Clarissa and Isaiah have so much fun!

by Squiddy-Diddy April 20, 2021

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


An amazing person who is smart, pretty, funny, weird, LOUD, and has a dark side sometimes. She is a person you would love to hang out with and you will instantly fall in love with. Her personality is big. Sometimes she doesn't always defend herself but when it comes to her friends she will do anything๐Ÿ˜‡

Skylark : Did you know Clarissa?
Jacob: Yes she is weird but fun to hang out with
Skylark: I am in love with her๐Ÿ˜ซโค๏ธ

by akwardlife135 July 16, 2017

19๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


An amazingingly talented smart girl, cares about her boy, and makes all girls' boyfriends want to leave them. She is a great friend and an amazing girlfriend. she may be vicious but she has a nice side. All you can do is love her. Her best friend is Sara and they work out. Everything about Clarissa is amazing! Perfection in mostly everything! Has great boobs and an amzing smile. No wonder your boyfriend left. Don't hate her! Clarissa is a complete panda lover! She is a filipina and she's proud of it.

Did you see that amzing girl?
Ya that's a Clarissa

by pandabearbaby11 May 24, 2012

183๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sheโ€™s funny, smart, bubbly and pretty. Of you have a friend called Clarissa you are so lucky as she will always be kind and helpful and never turns away someone who needs/ wants help, or who just wants to talk. Almost always seems happy and bright and always has a funny story to share.

Can and will listen to you talk all day, even about the weirdest stuff.

Just a generally awesome person.

Friend โ€œHey look, thereโ€™s Clarissa.โ€
You โ€œOh, yeah, sheโ€™s sheโ€™s awesome.

by June 15, 2021