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The state of testing positive for the Covid 19 Corona virus.

Hey bro, I should have left my mask on when making out with that strangr carnie last week because my test came back and I'm COV positive.

by Ranchgirls October 15, 2020

73👍 4👎


Earrings which are suited for life in the pandemic world of COVID-19.

- There are the extra large or sparkling gemstone earrings which look good on Zoom calls.

- There are the small studs that work out in public when the large earrings get caught on face-masks.

- They match the face-mask colors.
- They are mix-and-match so the same earrings can be worn in different ways.

Jane makes the best cov-earrings! They are interchangeable so the same studs and drops can be worn in lots of different ways for different situations.

by JaneGordon.com May 12, 2020


The experience of having a period during the Coronavirus pandemic

I normally get a little angry when I’m due on my period but, I really want to punch you so hard in the face that you end up looking like Jackie Stallone. I think it’s a COV-eriod .

by Vic BW April 29, 2020


Pretending to have the 'Rona in order to isolate yourself from responsibility for a couple of weeks.

Hey, remember that time The Donald COV-HID after that 30 car pile up of a debate?

Dave couldn't face Shaz after she found out he gave her chlamydia so he COV-HID for a fortnight.

by Ray Von Geezer October 3, 2020

cov baits

a group chat with couples and sexy people all hoes

raaa that cov baits gc is mad

by Spalsh October 20, 2021


A short form for Covert Narcissist; Someone who makes self depreciating comments to seek sympathy.

"Sophie always talks about how she's way dumber than everyone else because she got an average test score, she's such a Cov-Nar.

by Ultrablitz12 May 17, 2023

cov girl

A cov girl is a girl who attends coventry university. Cov girls are always 'dun out' and are chasing after boys. They are addicted to attention to black and lightskin boys and will do anything for enough money. They can usually be located in Godiva, Liberty, Bishopgate or Millennium. Mandem will use cov girls for food and sex and they will be completely unaware.

I could never wife a cov girl thats an L

Cov girls are finished, always seeking attention

by lightskinbloodclart419 November 2, 2019