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Columbian Stiffy

When you wake up with a morning boner and you have to shit and pee at the same time, So you sit down to shyt but your morning boner wont fit into the toilet.

Friend: Yo, wheres your bathroom?
Me: In the back to the left.
Friend: Fool there is piss everywhere!!!
Me: I couldn't help it man... I had a Columbian Stiffy this morning!

by S3XU@L CH0C0L@T3 March 1, 2009

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columbian necktie

Taking a knife to someones throat high enough up to be able to pull the tongue back down through it, ie, a tongue necktie.

That mother f*er done me wrong, give em a columbian necktie.

by robmyaeg May 4, 2006

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British Columbian

The coolest people you will ever meet are from B.C. Laid back-fun-don't take life too seriously-know how to have a good time-and love their 'bc bud'
free spirits-if you mess with them they'll fuck you up-but either way they are just genuinely nice and friendly people.

"Hey that guy is so laid back,"
"Yeah man, he's British Columbian, they're all chill like that"

by AboveTheSky August 13, 2009

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columbian turnover

Having sex with someone missionary, then flipping the participant over, jizzing on their back, sprinkling cocaine over said jizz and snorting up the concoction.

I got a sinus infection from having a columbian turnover.

by PatNAH January 2, 2017

columbian anteater

the act of snorting cocaine off of a man's erect penis

i saw mommy giving santa a columbian anteater underneath the christmas tree last winter

by dr. tampon pepper July 10, 2010

flaming columbian

Going down on your woman after rubbing Red Hots all over her vag.

My girl really gets off when I perform the flaming Columbian on her.

by Stinky Pinks June 13, 2018

Columbian Mustache

The effect of having traces of cocaine visible on your upper lip after snorting the drug.

Bro, wipe away that Columbian Mustache before you leave the bathroom.

by Michael Wolstencroft February 14, 2006

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