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complimentary horror game flashlight

Every horror game- Kubz Scouts

give me all of your complimentary horror game flashlight biotch

by Mr_Mow May 13, 2020

1626๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

complimentary horror game flashlight

A term coined by Jay "THAT DUDE" Perez from the Kubz Scouts on YouTube. Almost every horror game comes equipped with one.

Do I get a complimentary horror game flashlight?
Where's my complimentary horror game flashlight?

by K. J. A. January 3, 2022

196๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Complimentary-Horror-Game-Flashlight is a word that was first made up by kubz scouts // AKA Jay :D// This is something that every game has/needs to BE a horror game. Sometimes it is also called a "Fleshlight" by the dumbass when he's scared during a playthrough of a (horror) game,,

I'm quoting this..

by Unknown Weirdo'.- January 6, 2022

124๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

complimentary horror game flashlight

A term popularized by Robert Jay Perez (Kubz Scouts) to reflect upon how a horror game usually gives you a flashlight to use.

This game gives you a complimentary horror game flashlight.

by socksran July 9, 2023

22๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

complimentary horror game flashlight

flashlight given upon a player when you start a game

press (E) to turn on your complimentary horror game flashlight.

by helo humen August 12, 2023

5๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Complimentary lie

Another lie to cover up a previous lie that was detected.

A mild way of saying you are a liar.

I bought this item from this shop.... Boom! The shop doesn't know about it's existence.... Oooh! A delivery guy just brought it to me not quite long... I ordered it online.

Are u fucking kidding me? That's a complimentary lie... You want me to believe that shit!

by Lordblinkz February 5, 2022

complimentary motive

Opposite yet similar to โ€˜ulterior motivesโ€™, a complimentary motive is when the original plan is pursued on a parallel path that compliments an ulterior pursuit.

More simply put, an ulterior motive takes the place of the original plan, whereas a complimentary motive suggests an option to compliment the original plan.

Pascal and Tina want Sunday bloodyโ€™s, so Pascal suggested the complimentary motive to go to the horseshoe bar and grill for bloody Maryโ€™s, as she knew her crush, who owns the bar, would be there.

by Lacsap3 December 12, 2021