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"god blind me".

Aye! Corr-blimey he's a bugger he is.

by hrh13 August 21, 2009

9👍 2👎

Corr Blimey

the futile pursuit of success.

that guy is so Corr Blimey...why doesn't he get a real job?

by still not steve January 11, 2005

11👍 26👎

corr blimey

the best fashion caompany on earth.

man that shit is so good it could be Crorr Blimey

by not steve January 11, 2005

12👍 31👎

alex corr

often associated with being a virgin or a gay cunt

"look at that alex corr over there, what a loser

by Selby Anderson January 18, 2018

Corrs Heavy

Having a dream where all three Corrs sisters are enjoying your presence in bed with them

It was a Corrs Heavy dream, those girls are gaelic-ous

by Woodster81 February 6, 2012

Corr Syndrome

When someone says they like a girl named Claire

Yo I heard Quandale like Claire, he has Corr Syndrome

by Clous July 13, 2022