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A Cory is a Skinny, Funny, Easy to get along with kind of guy. There is MUCH MUCH more than meets the eye, Cory is very deep, and has a lot going on in his head. Typically a white male, works in the warehouse scene. Is good at being a good friend. Has A Very sexy look, so sexy infact when you walk in a public place with Cory, he will turn heads. Cory's Super cute, and super Nice, always looking to please the other. Cory Seems like a metrosexual. Very straight. Infact you never know what he wants. The more you hang out with Cory the more you will be attracted to him. Cory is a great friend to have. And Is Most deff a great companion. Cory has a sensitive side. He is a human; Cory is sweet, Cory is a nice guy. All in All. Cory is Numero Uno, because of their superior Pokemon Knowledge. Cory is a sweet heart.

If you ever see The Cory, you Will Understand.

by The New Friend June 22, 2010

683๐Ÿ‘ 435๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cory, he is sweet, funny and gentle. He has one of those smiles that will make you feel like your the happiest person in the world. He's not only caring but selfless, I love this boy with all my heart. He completely flips my world. He looks at me and makes me want a future I would have never wanted without him. I have to hold back tears because I'm so happy when he says, "I love you". He cries with me, laughs with me and at me. He is not a very open person, but he is completely open with me. I trust him and I know he trusts me. With him there is no judgement no difference in social status he's so honest and equal to everyone he meets. He puts everyone before himself, and wakes up just to make me smile. He's someone people can only dream of having. He is an amazing person with kids, animals and family. And I want every single one of those things with him. I love you Cory.

Cory is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

by CoryLauren1423 May 20, 2018

18๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gender both. Origin Germanic , Gods peace. Origin Gaelic, dweller in a hollow;spear. Origin English, Gods peace. Short for Corene or Cory

Cory, Cori, Corrie

by pumpkinhead3 February 3, 2010

57๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


A friendly guy who will always be there for you no matter how much of a bitch you are.

Travels often with girls and plays video games.

He plays world of warcraft too.......watch out.

"That guy is a Cory, just look at the Horde t-shirt, big jeans, long hair, and wire-rimmed glasses. God, look at all those girls around him too....So Cory."

by Koralyrem April 10, 2008

1560๐Ÿ‘ 1389๐Ÿ‘Ž


The sweetest guy you could ever have. He loves his girl to bits. And is always willing to fuck her!

Girl:aww I have the best boyfriend ever
Cory:and I have the best girl friend ever!!!

by Olive it!! December 19, 2015

18๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


a beautiful girl who is quite shy until you get to know her. she is down to earth. she is the type of person who can make you laugh. no one is quite like cory. she is different from most girls. cory is the type of person you wanna be around. she is sweet, kind, cute and a lovely friend.

i wanna be a cory

by sweggggyyyy June 9, 2014

21๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A very hot and tall emo looking guy.

Person 1: Have you seen Cory?
Person 2: Yeah! He's sorta emo right?
Person 1: Yeah but he's still hot right?
Person 2: Yeah frrr!

by peachzy October 5, 2021