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sexy cough syrup

A tasty cocktail made of southern comfort, coca cola and raspberry cordial

I'll take one sexy cough syrup

by Therealdave1 September 9, 2023

grandpa's old cough syrup

Grandpa's old cough syrup usually refers to a hot toddy. A drink made with one shot of whiskey, a half cup of boiling water, a spoonful of honey, and a splash of lemon juice. Variations include adding cloves and/or cinnamon sticks then letting the drink brew for approximately 5 minutes before serving.

The nickname of Grandpa's old cough syrup comes from the hot toddy being used as a cold/flu remedy.

You guys been doing a little bit of boozing? Sucking back on grandpa's old cough syrup?

by ztpruit December 11, 2010

41👍 7👎

King of the cough syrup

The king of the cough syrup is the local cough syrup plug he is also known as a KD or kai daniel which is a code word for people selling cough medicine taken in large amounts to get a euphoric high.

Well you'll need to talk to the king of the cough syrup about that one.

by Carl Cult Leader March 18, 2022

Alabama cough syrup

Filling your throat cum to soothe a sore throat.

Babe, I'm sorry your throat hurts. Let me give you some Alabama cough syrup

by godofwordsand man May 1, 2023