Source Code


Formerly known as Schindler's List, a webpage where you could Jew people out of their money, labor or items. Then Craig came along, and became a well known prostitute among the listings: Thus famously renaming it Craigslist. In turn, BackPage was then created in honor of Craig's Jewish tendencies. Because the time and effort he put into his prostitution was really just a figurative back hand to value of your drugs.

Hey guys, have you seen Craig? I can't find him on Beach & Ball anymore.

- I don't know man, have you checked Craigslist?

by imawitchbitch November 17, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A website that makes people inherently dumber. Used as a way to post advertisements for the selling of items and services, it is now overrun with the stupid. Any description of an item is completely ignored, and subsequent idiotic questioning follows. In the off-chance that someone actually gets to the point of making an offer on an item, any listed price is ignored and a low-ball offer is made. A trade may also be offered, whether or not this has been mentioned as an alternative to cash payment. The idiocy is not entirely limited to the seller, as there are many occasions where a seller is contacted and then has no idea what they are selling.

Buyer: "Yo you got that gixxer for sale on Craigslist Bro?"
Seller: "It's not a Suzuki GSX-R, it's a Honda CBR1000. Yes I'm still selling it for $5,500."
Buyer: "Alright yo, so you'll take $2000 then?"
Seller: "No."
Buyer: "What about a set of Bridgestone tires?"
Seller: "No."

Example 2

Buyer: "Hi I'm calling about the motorcycle you have listed on Craigslist. Is it still for sale?"
Seller: "What motorcycle?"
Buyer: "You have a 2007 Suzuki listed for $4800 on Craigslist. Is it still for sale or is it sold?"
Seller: "......."
Buyer: "So you didn't list a 2007 Suzuki for $4800?"
Seller: "Oh yeah yeah yeah my bad bro. Nah it's sold."

by Benrama34 March 23, 2014

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Where your parents got you

Your parents: we gotta tell you something...

Your parents:we got you from Craigslist

by Boogieman53553 November 13, 2019

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A terrific community website that started in San Francisco California and is run by a programmer named Craig Newmark. On Craigslist you can find a place to live, sell your car, find a job, rant & rave, find love, or just get laid. Craig has since set up sites for several major cities across the USA and a few major cities around the world.

She arrived in San Francisco, found an apartment on Craigslist, sold her car on Craigslist, found Mr. Right Now a few times on Casual Enconters, and then found love, all on Craigslist.

by I'm Not Craig February 8, 2004

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A site where "project car" actually means the vehicle is completely totaled.

This awesome project car I found on Craigslist has a blown head gaskets and extensive front end damage!

by trayy September 10, 2007

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Apparently the easiest way for a hooker to advertise her services according to local news reports regarding prostitution

A woman was charged with prostitution after police investigators answered her advertisment on the popular website Craigslist.

by teabag September 12, 2007

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Craigslisting It

The state of being so bored that one ends up surfing Craig's List and other such websites in search of odd jobs, disgusting offers, and anything that catches the eye.

Example one: "Yeah I was stuck inside all day. I got so bored I ended up Craigslisting it for hours."

by DaddyLeggs March 10, 2009

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