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cranial fecalitis

Shit for brains. Cranial- pertaining to the head. Fecal- Pertaining to excrement. -itis: this is added in order to make the word more medically appropriate. Not to be confused with -itis in reference to the drowsy after effect of eating a large meal.

I think John got some cranial fecalitis!

What are you suffering from, cranial fecalitis?

by zdarius February 10, 2010

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cranial rectologist

Someone who appears to be very smart, but has their head up their ass when it comes to making an important decision.

A cranial rectologist is a colleague or friend.

by Brown Noserologist November 7, 2010

Cranial faggotry

An extremely gay head.

Geez, look at the cranial faggotry on that bloke.

by UbiquitousLatin September 25, 2019

Cranial Flatulence

crude definition:"brain fart"

Susan: "During my entrance-exam, I totally had a bad case of cranial flatulence"

by Krystra July 23, 2013


Cranial Flatulence is a more refined term for and synonymous with Brain Fart which is when a person is simply cannot recollect or remember something or even what he was in the middle of doing. It happens to females also.

Dick had a case of CRANIAL FLATULENCE and his horse ran out of the barn over to Virgina's house for a quick visit to see her box.

by Dr. Real Nasty January 13, 2023

cranial expansion

The feeling of immense pressure on the inside of your skull the morning after a party.

Guy: "Holy shit, this is the worst cranial expansion I've ever had. Where the hell am I?"

Girl: " Yeah, you were pretty wasted last night, you asked me if I wanted to 'take it to the next level'. I laughed right onto the floor. That Hyundai guy who lives here wants to know where we are, too."

by Luke the Nuke October 5, 2006

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Cranial Flatulence

When a person wants to make an excuse for his or her stupidity, but wants to make others laugh in the process, so as to take attention away from his or her own dumbass behavior. And, if you're apologizing for your own cranial flatulence (similar to a brain fart), and the person you're speaking to doesn't understand the terminology, you can (temporarily, at least) feel better about your own level of intelligence.

Dude: Wanna come drink with me this weekend?
Chick: Duh...I'm gonna be in New York!
Dude: Oh yeah...sorry...cranial flatulence!
Chick: What???
Dude: Never mind...you wouldn't understand (Secretly feels much better about himself).

by Pipsqueakier May 5, 2006

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