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One of the best people you can ever meet. A ROTFLCOPTER awesome best friend. Some anyone would be lucky to date. She is fantabuloso/licious

"dude, u r such a cristina"

"hey, cri, wasap?"

"cri, u r rotflcopter awesome"


by ThePinkFuzzyHat April 16, 2008

2130๐Ÿ‘ 769๐Ÿ‘Ž


The love of my life. She is the girl i couldn't bear to live without. She is an angel that has blessed me with her love and presence. She is incredible in every way, and her beauty is unmatched by anything. If you compared her to the brightest star in space she would even outshine its beauty by 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%. She is the greatest girl you could ever meet. Being with her is like a dream that i hope will not end. I love her with my heart and soul. She is the reason that i am who i am because she changed my life the instant i saw her. She is always on my mind, and i wish i could just freeze time so her and i could be together forever. At a point in a persons life they meet someone who just change every aspect of them in every way. That person is Cristina.

cristina beautiful incredible

by bigp and g-rant March 7, 2010

1191๐Ÿ‘ 510๐Ÿ‘Ž


The type of girl you wouldn't normally talk to, very shy and not very outgoing, but once you get to know her she is the best. The biggest nerd you will ever know, meanwhile also being so shy it's really adorable. She still listens to the shit she did in 7th grade, but is willing to listen to other music. She's smart, funny, adorable, small, and knows every pop culture reference. once you start dating her, you ask yourself why you didn't meet her sooner, and she's not into that dirty stuff other couples are into.

Me: "Yeah, Cristina's the best".
Friend 1: "Sounds like it."

by TheRealRealConsole September 19, 2018

21๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most amazing girl you could ever meet. Usually has only had one boyfriend who messed up allowing an angel to enter her life to show her how things should be. Although it may take her a while to embrace the angel and be happy it will happen in all due time. The type of girl that will always get happiness from her angel and will always be best friends even if they date and it does not work out. Although that is highly doubtful that they won't work out they will seeing that angel's are sent down by God to provide said Cristina with happiness.

Guy 1:Yo did you hear what that caleb dude did?

Guy 2: Yea man he cheated on his girl and she turned into a real cristina.

Guy 1: word, now she got an angel, he is so dumb for letting that one go

by 01232011 November 9, 2010

625๐Ÿ‘ 290๐Ÿ‘Ž


Literally the BEST person you could ever meet, could be strict and has sharp tongue most of the time but this is their way of showing their love and care for you, they're some kind of typical INTJ types, they'll always be there ready to fight and go to adventure with you! Elegant is literally them and they like to get things done, they hate future conflicts and always eager to get successful in life!

Person 1:how come she looks so elegant
Person 2: she's a Cristina of course!

by yourosananajimi May 15, 2022


is a super g

cristina is so amazing!!!

by That Houston guy November 21, 2010

574๐Ÿ‘ 281๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the most loyal beautiful girls you will ever meet in your whole entire life. She is as bright as the sun itself and is always thinking of her peers and making sure that she is always there to support them. She puts others before herself and tries her best to make sure that their significant other or friend is having the best most wonderful day, Cristinas is very caring so never takes advantage of them. They are very loyal and trustworthy and they will put all their trust in you expecting you to never take advantage of the trust. They are very affectionate people and love any sign of affection. They truly let out the real side of a person and not an image that they might show. Cristina is wonderful and makes you so happy. Cristina might be insecure about themselves so always reassure them and flood them with compliments Cristinas are truly awesome.

Cristina is the best

by April 4, 2022

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž