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cutlass ciera

A FWD midsize car made by Oldsmobile from 1982 to 1996.

Offered with a I4 or V6 engine. After it was introduced it quickly became Oldsmobiles sole focus and best selling model, and by the time they stopped making them the body style looked quite outdated. Throughout it's life the Ciera was a popular Granny mobile and Rental car. As boring as they looked, they have proven to be reliable. Many are still being driven today and make good beaters for teenagers.

Anthony: Hey I heard your Grandmother gave you her crappy Cutlass Ciera. What year is that thing, like an '84?

Mark: It's a '95 actually. I couldn't believe it. I don't care though, all I care about is that I got a set of wheels.

by Metalhead83 September 9, 2011

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jane cutlass

Simp machine in the hours discord which feeds on simps

me: jane cutlass is simp machine
simp mod: ?warn

by not blue instava May 15, 2021

sausage cutlass

A penis.

"My wife loves a go at the ol' sausage cutlass!"

by BelievinSteven October 14, 2013

Jakes Cutlass

Know around the world as the slowest f*ckin piece of shit on four wheels. Period. Unfortunatly it will hold the not so promising GM 3.1 Liter of fun. You can hear a Jakes Cutlass far away by its raspy exhaust and its lopey cam at idle.

"When driving my Honda last night, i totally destroyed a Jakes Cutlass".

by He Said That? March 7, 2005

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flesh cutlass

a penis; works great in conjunction with cock holster.

I unsheathed my flesh cutlass and proceeded to go to town on that bitch.

by max42o September 19, 2006

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cutlass jockey

A black person. Y'all know all black folks drive Cutlass Supremes. Very similar to camel jockey.

Yo, that cutlass jockey rollin a fat blunt, lets go smoke with that nigger.

by Future Slave Owner May 12, 2008

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Rusty Cutlass

A sexual position; The position entails for the man to begin with anal sex until just before climax pulls out of his partner and smacks them across the face with their phallus with a loud "Yar!", "Avast ye landlubber" etc.

"I totally gave Sarah a Rusty Cutlass last night"

by Captain_Cockstrong July 18, 2021