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master cylinder

The term was coined in episode 11 of Frisky Dingo. It is the act of wearing a beer can for pants.

Torpedo Vegas: I'm getting furious at you, you don't even have any pants on.
Xander Crews: Neither does he!
Torpedo Vegas: Well he doesn't have a penis! As far as I can tell...
Killface: I - uh -
Xander Crews: Yeah, what is the story on that?
Killface: Oh, like you can talk.
Xander Crews: Hey, my penis fills an entire tall-boy.
Quick cut to Xander, as Awesome X, dancing in front of the X-ticles, naked except for a beercan covering his groin and shouting "Master Cylinder!" through a megaphone. Cut back to Torpedo Jones' lair
Torpedo Jones: Scoffing I'm sure it doesn't fill it.

by HC2005 August 24, 2007

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Cylinder Earth

The REAL shape of the Earth

It is a religion who follows the laws of an 11-year-old boy who we believe to be the one, da queen, the holy one, our Lord and savior who created life and the cylinder earth the place we call home.

by Cylinder Earther 11 February 18, 2020

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6 Cylinder

a car that has 6 cylinders in the engine

My First Car Was A 6 Cylinder

by Jay Stew May 29, 2006

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two cylinder

when a guy fingers two girls at the same time and his hands are pistoning up and down while making engine noises.

mary and sara were getting the two cylinder action from joe.

by bill dunn June 7, 2006

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Meat Cylinder

A dick; human penis.

Bitch be crazy chompin' on my meat cylinder.

by Tip Tank February 10, 2012

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Magic Cylinder

When you're having sex with your girl, but, right before you blow your load on her face, she catches it in a cup and splashes it in your face.

I broke up with my ex when she surprised me with a magic cylinder.

by TDG SN June 7, 2019

Pant Cylinder

A synonymn for a boner or male erection.

Watching all the Death Wish movies in a day gave Jim, a high ranking NRA member, a pant cylinder.

by Buckojeff September 14, 2009

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