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Dextromethorphan HBr. You have to take 500mg+ to really experience it. Extremely easy to get, just use some acting skills at the checkout, and dress like a nerd when buying it. Don't get the cough syrup, get the liquid gels. RESPECT THIS SHIT it will get you EXTREMELY EXTREMELY FUCKED UP. My third favorite drug, behind OxyContin and shrooms.

DXM is jesus. Yesterday when i got home from school, i swallowed 2 bottles of Robitussin Cough and a bottle of Robitussin CoughGels. I remember trying to do the moonwalk on top of my dad's truck. I also rememeber trying to look for the button you have to push every 180 minutes to save the world, but them i remembered that was only on Lost and i went home and tried to think of new and interesting sexual positions for my friend Maria.

by justd4nce February 24, 2009

61๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


The drug dextromorphan hydrobromide, found in over-the-counter medications for cough and cold. most popular brand: robitussin maximum strength.

(dextromethorphan was mis-spelled in the first definition)

by rudine April 21, 2003

456๐Ÿ‘ 266๐Ÿ‘Ž


Dextromethorphan, Fucking good stuff once you get up to the 3rd Plateau. You gotta love the DXM Wacky Cam, lol.

You gotta love that stuff, bro.
What Stuff?
DXM, The best Drug...

by shadow77110 June 10, 2006

123๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


The drug dextromorphan hydrobromide, found in cough medicine. Many cold medicines have acetaminophen, which will kill you if you overdose. So be careful.

This cough syrup has a lot of DXM, but the psuedoephedrine, chlorphineramine maleate, acetaminophen, and guaifenisen will kill you if you try to trip on it.

by Jesustussin March 29, 2003

150๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž


Dextromethorphan, a beautiful drug found in common cough syrups, see dextroverse dot org.

I Love DXM.

by PeoplesMind September 11, 2003

333๐Ÿ‘ 212๐Ÿ‘Ž


A powerful disassociate psychogenic, usually gathered from cough syrup. It is a synthetic opiate replacing heroin and opium in old-time syrups. At a low dosage (30-60mg), it suppresses the cough center of your brain.

At higher dosages (500mg-2000mg, depending on weight), it is a powerful full-blown psychogenic that can cause major OBE, time distortions, hallucinations, and a general disassociation from reality (hence it's a disassociate).

People who don't like it usually a) can't handle the intense experience or b) tried drinking cough syrup too much. It can be legally ordered as a pure powder from many net sources, and rather cheaply (cheaper than syrup).

It's usually measured in "plateaus", with one being the lowest (500 or so mg) and four being the highest (1.5G+), with each stage getting closer to full-blown hallucinogenic disassociation.

If you haven't done at least 500mg (around 1 1/2 of Robo MS), then you really haven't tried it.

I dexxed heavy last night and had a Philip K Dick experience out on the front porch...but it wasn't the same front porch as ours. It was...somewhere else.

by tWiST September 8, 2003

363๐Ÿ‘ 257๐Ÿ‘Ž


Bad ass shit that landed me in the fucking ER... watch the dosage in relation to who you are.

Man last night I was so fucked, I thought I was gonna die.

by SarhaCo January 12, 2004

104๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž