Source Code

Credit or debit?

A coded phrase used to let a friend know that they their butt crack is clearly defined by the garment they are wearing on their ass (e.g. pants, skirt, bathing suit, etc.), without letting others know the message. The association being that a wedgie resembles a card swiping machine that one would use to pay with a credit or debit card.

As Gabrielle stepped out of the pool, I noticed she had a severe wedgie. So to save my friend any embarrassment, I quickly yelled " Hey Gabrielle, credit or debit?" whereas she responded with a quick picking of the wedge.

by Bubbatoon September 5, 2011

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credit or debit

before completing a credit or debit, you must ask credit or debit sir/ma'am, slide ones hand through the center crack of another individuals ass crack.

yesterday i was asked credit or debit, and i answered debit innocently and unsuspectingly got a credit or debit then a hand swiped up my ass crack. then screamed, "I like it rough".

by bummyland November 13, 2011

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carbon debit

The satirical opposite of a carbon credit, purchased to deliberately add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

If I buy carbon debits, the flame of the collective rage of environmentalists will cause the global average temperature to rise.

by pifactorial July 14, 2008

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debit change

money given for your debit account as token of appreciation

money for use for everyday leisure that is in your bank account
{Everybody has a debit account}

We booked out till August! We are well appreciated because our debit change is looking right!

by Scoot2020 February 25, 2011

Direct Debiting

Direct Debiting is when a man gets on the floor and his asshole is bare, a girl will then come behind him and swipe the card between his butt cheeks and possibly insert the card inside his asshole.

Did you see that video? Man she is good at direct debiting

by icrywhensleepy March 12, 2021

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street debit

The power you have to make something un-cool by doing it.

My kids hate it when I say out loud L.O.L. or R.O.F.L, or fo shizzle. I must have a lot of street debit.

by Bob Stein July 21, 2008

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The debit card

Running anything between someone’s ass cheeks like making a purchase at the local shit and get.

Damn baby, i’m About to slide my dick down your crack like my debit card.

My man really gave me the debit card last night.

by Elwipfo November 20, 2017

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