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A beautiful and funny girl that is too good for you and you want so badly to tell her you like her. But you canโ€™t because you know she likes one of your closest friend

Delia if you are seeing this I love you.

by GoodMorningWisconsin November 20, 2021


Delia is a beautiful girl. Sometimes she gets caught in others reactions to how they see her that sometimes she doesnโ€™t see it. Her beauty only makes them jealous . However looks are not her only quality. She is an amazing best friend, sister, daughter, student etc. This girl is great at everything she does. She will always make the right choices in life and brings only positive energy with her along the way. Anyone who loses this precious being in their lives is a fool and uneducated. Delia is a hard worker and deserves only the best in lifeMany love the girl delia, and she is unquestionably one the greatest people you will ever meet.

Delia; amazing, beautiful, perfect, kind, caring and a hardworker.

by Tickledarts333 June 27, 2023

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


greatest person in the world shes so pretty ill love her till the day i die

delia is bestie never let delia go

by pitbulls247 June 8, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Delias have beautiful bodyโ€™s and adorable faces tender breasts and thick legs they deserve every single piece of love her smile is everything and her eyes show what she feels donโ€™t mess with Delia she will murder you if you hurt her!

delia *walks past*
Boys/girls: Wow beautiful breasts and smile!

by Jenxgebs December 5, 2019

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


one down ass juggalette who likes to smoke pot and doesn't give a fuck!

Dude that girl is Delia as hell!

by nymfokittiefreak July 16, 2008

191๐Ÿ‘ 238๐Ÿ‘Ž


Delia is a romanian girl that is very intelligent in school, but super dumb in general. She is very very short(nobody sees you!) and very very small feet. She always dresses like a nun, because she likes to express the fact that she is very innocent and will never do the dirty dirty (but in secret she is a petite redhead that likes BBC and dates all the guys possible). She loves anime and simps for all the guys with long hair and muscles. She is the mother of the group and always takes care of them all. She gives top vibes and loves cats. She swears a lot. Also, she is a bit of a psycopath.

Julian:"lol you are dumb stfu"

by alongusimposter October 14, 2021

6๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Very kind and funny,
She loved chairs and they love her too.
She is very athletic and is very good at track!

Sheโ€™s as fast as a Delia

by Annabelle Johnson November 16, 2022