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diablo II

An online game which is so addictive it takes alot away from the player by ruining their lives and if they ever try to leave it they find that the company deleted their account which causes them to start all over again like a never ending cycle of being trapped in it: also see Final Fantasy XI

kid: man my account got hacked yesterday, now I gotta start all over again
man: I know my account got deleted from not being played so im going to start again too

by opinionated person May 15, 2005

134👍 36👎

diablo ii

An online game played over Battle.net which is not an MMO. Created and owned by Blizzard Entertainment, with a new patch 1.10 out.

1 4r3 t3h 1337 h4x0rz
Stfu you stupid shit
1 pwn y0u
Thats it im getting my Zon

by Deaths-Warden November 14, 2003

58👍 25👎

diablo ii

A highly addictive MMORPG with no monthly cost. The poor man's game.

The Korean spake in jibberish for hours so I passed him an soj on the ground. He was happy.

by larstait October 12, 2003

97👍 50👎

Diablo II Dupe

A Diablo II Dupe Program, or Diablo II Dupe Method, that allows you to replicate items in Diablo II. Can be found on various websites, including:

{{moby game|id=/diablo-ii-lord-of-destruction |name= ''Diablo II: Lord of Destruction''}}

Yo, I just bought a Diablo II dupe at www.d2dupes.com

by Sean Cassidy January 16, 2007

7👍 15👎