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domestic partnership

a domestic partnership is a form relation between two people in which one person is usually domesticated like a cow or a dog resulting in said domesticated person being inclined to do everything their master partner tells them to do. frequently made popular by facebook and ignorant people unsure of the true definition.

Chip: Does anyone know where Walter has been recently?
Buck: Nope. Him and his girlfriend are in a domestic partnership on facebook though.
Chip: He probably sucks at life now.

by Orlandbro March 2, 2011

115👍 193👎

Domestic Partnership

1. The equal relationship between two or more people of the same gender living together and practicing a homosexual lifestyle.
2. Domestic Relationship
3. Homosexual fuck buddies.

Neil Patrick Harris lives with David Burka in a Domestic Partnership.

-I just saw Katharine and Becky together at the gay bar.
-I didn't know they were together.
-They arn't! They are just Domestic Partners.


by iknow16 February 26, 2011

67👍 135👎

domestic partnership

when two women are vaginally connected living together with the same vaginal problems... their in a coma...with no action

being single and living with your best friend

domestic partnership

by AIMEEEpeanut October 27, 2011

67👍 136👎