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A label applied to people who act quite similarly. They do things such as using the words "bro" and "fuck" profusely, and it is not uncommon for them to use each word 3 to 4 times in a sentence. Dorfs are considered to be very reckless and DGAF (don't give a fuck) about anything. They have no sense of manners or shame, as they burp, sneeze, fart, and cough as loud as possible. Dorfs commonly drive, or at least fantasize about over-sized pick-up trucks, to compensate for their relatively small genitals. Although Dorfs do not have a specific wardrobe or clothing style, they have distinctive grooming habits. Facial hair is either trimmed to sideburns or a goatee, or a strange corroboration of both. Personal hygiene is highly neglected amongst Dorfs, so extensive amounts of deodorants and body sprays are applied on a daily basis. Dorfs also have a distinctive "vomit" breath, which is a result of not brushing teeth, excessive drinking, and burping.

Micheal smells so bad, and he thinks he's really cool, but he's just an average Dorf.

I saw this Dorf the other day, and he almost hit me with his giant truck.

by Robert Radonski October 29, 2008

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Dude, He is a Dorf....
"Why Do You Always Act like A Dorf?"

by ThuGgRickyyP March 17, 2017

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who attends a Waldorf school

Hey, look at the dorfs in their organic garden

by Friend of Dorfs November 16, 2009

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When your having mad anal and decide to let off your load into your fish tank

Dude last night I pulled a dorf on melissa. My fish died this morning

by Juanandres June 14, 2017

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A very unattractive Girl hat has the qualities of...
1.Pale Skin
3.Overly Skinny
4.Bad Hygeine
5.Wears Braces or Retainers

Person 1.Do you think Hilary is hot?
Person 2.Ewww no omg shes such a Dorf!

by Matthew Jared December 7, 2006

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Rejiggering loan data into a data structure an onboarding entity can consume.

We're dorfing our loans before onboarding them to the servicing system.

by WeedFart December 17, 2020


German for "village"

the waldorf astoria is called that because it's named after a German village called Waldorf.

by formfaktor March 29, 2005

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