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Down Horrendously

This mofo

Person 1: dude school has me fuckin tripping these days, idk how I’m gunna finish all this work
Person 2: At least you ain’t Tien
Person 1: facts actually, im guess im not down horrendously

by Yelex January 21, 2021

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

down horrendous 🀝

when your ex texts you.. this is the only response.

*read 12:45 AM*
them: i miss you

*delivered 2:06 AM*
you: down horrendous 🀝

by 🀝 February 18, 2021

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Down Horrendous

When someone is too enticed by a member of the opposite sex to the point of ditching his/her friends to add them to a val game to play and flake on his friends.

@Be_Tolerant is down horrendous

by Bchenbison December 11, 2022

down horrendous

Used when a man is uncontrollably horny, and will go lengths to get sex because he gets absolutely no bitches.

"Yo wassup bbg:"
"bros down horrendous"

by craft-122500 June 25, 2023

Down Right horrendous

Displeasing, Disgusting in a matter.

Thats not the Irish flag, there for it is Down Right horrendous.

by mscb1111 April 13, 2021

down bad horrendous

when someone is so down bad they become horrendously horny

example if they're gay: there a guy with a fatty over there
example: ayo shawty got a fatty

1. you are down bad horrendous nigga.
2. That is horrendously down bad

by Thatniggajojo May 29, 2023