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To change the color scheme of any object with the combinations of black and red.

I just draculized my paintball gun

by -VADER- October 7, 2009

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(n) The system of needle, tube and bag used to draw blood from a blood donor

The nurse hooked me up to a draculator when I donated blood.

by InspiredBy August 7, 2010

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slutulous draculous

A female that sucks your time, money, and pulls you away from your friends. also likes to guzzle lots of cum

"HOLY FUCKING CRAP! his bitch of a girlfriend is such a slutulous draculous!"

by queen of fucking france bitches July 28, 2007

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A name of a stubborn self bossed man who is lonely and doesnโ€™t give a care about anyone but himself and is mischievous as cunning

They call him the beast but his actual name is โ€œDraculousโ€

by Anne-girl December 26, 2020


Dra is the funniest, nicest, smartest, coolest person i ever met
He deserves to be happy


Who is the coolest person in the world ?
- Dracul
Who helped u at your bad times?
- Dracul

by keyneasilo July 25, 2021


1: A better version of the calculator.

2: What Kim Dracula fans use to measure something.

On the draculator scale how awesome was this song?

by LXXLoveRoulette July 26, 2023