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Drinking Related Injury (DRI) Injuries received while drinking. Many times the exact cause of the injury remains a mystery.

I woke up after a night of drinking with a couple of DRI's, my arm was bruised and I had a large blister on the palm of my hand.

by Chicago Buckeye March 10, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


Drunk Eyes. Slightly open or one eye open or eyes rolling into back of head when extremely drunk

Dude did you see that picture from last nigh? You had horrible dries!

by Sweet Pita April 6, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy who is usually from Flanders or the Netherlands. Speaks Dutch with some crazy accent. Smooth operator when it comes to girls, but when he likes one, he turns into a giant teddy bear. Is talented, but (too) humble about it. Everybody likes him. He is kind, gentle and relaxed. Doesn't get angry easily, but will kick in a door when he gets to boiling point. I love him and is snotty nose.

That guy must be a Dries, 'cause he talks to much about politics.

by The one with the great ass April 25, 2022


acronym: Dance Related Injury. Refers to any injury inflicted or received while dancing. Minor injuries include strained or pulled muscles from dipping it too low and dropping it too hot. More severe injuries come from broken glass on the dance floor, thrown 'bows (elbows) to the face and backing up way too much ass.

Audra: "Did you hear Angela got 7 stitches?!"
Charlotte: "No, what happened?"
Audra: "It was a DRI. Some jack wagon dropped a glass on the dance floor and it sliced her hoof open."

by EehayJay April 27, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you drunk
and you high
you dri

"well i'm on one actually i'm on two
three if you count me being on you"
- dahlak (DRI)

by beat_maker August 18, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dried Turds

Big dark nipples that have sunken into the wrinkled brown areola ... resembling dried turds (wet turds if in the bath)

My nipples are like dried turds from all the breast feeding

by Working Class Hero December 29, 2021

freeze dried

The act of consuming alcohol, marijuana, and mushrooms all at the same time.

Cody: Man, I just chased that mushroom with a shot of fireball!
Dennis: And you're high as balls!
Schuyler: Dude you're so freeze dried

by R!ff Raff July 2, 2014