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To take a "W"; to win at something

"Did you hear? The Bulldogs took that dub today!" "Oh sweet! Bulldogs on that winning streak!"

by therealbarryb September 25, 2017

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Noun - usually a person that is really lame

Verb - to grind with the opposite sex

N. = Person 1 : Yo , Jenny broke up with Steven today

Person 2 : So what ? Steven was a dub anyway

V. = Jamie wants to dub with that guy over there

by Serena Swagga September 20, 2010

791πŸ‘ 423πŸ‘Ž


1. Abbreviation for W (DoUBle-U), meant to be understood as a β€œwin” or positive outcome.

2. To blow off/ignore/ghost someone.

3. Two grams of weed (a double).

1. Damn, the Patriots really finessed that Super Bowl. Such a dub.

2. That girl used to dub me, but she slid my DMs last night.

3. Yo call the plug, I’m tryna cop a dub.

by EnigmaVanquisher August 18, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Indiana slang for "win"

Get the dub!

by SusyDented December 30, 2021


1. Short for double.
2. Used for the number 20.
-20 inch rims
-a $20 bag of marijuana

Im ridin on dubs.

Heres a 20, go get a nigga a dub of dat fiya.

by mkic0n January 21, 2003

1133πŸ‘ 933πŸ‘Ž


An amount of marijuana worth twenty dollars. Twenty being two tens, two tens being two dimes, and 'dub' being short for 'double' a dime.

Give me a dub. Lemme get a dub

by Dshit September 16, 2006

343πŸ‘ 301πŸ‘Ž


Dub reggae is one of the only musics in the world, were the "programmer" or "mixer" is a part of the music.
Dub is a mysteric, special, poetic music genre.
Dub works like this:
A mixer gets a track, a song that others have made. (roots reggae). He uses his mixers, moduls and programming stuff to "dub" or "re-mix" the track with echos, reverb and instruments dropping in and out. Dub is allmost always instrumental, there can be like 3 or 5 words in a dub song normally.

Oh, King Tubby made a great dub out of that track!...

by Adam Ska April 8, 2006

94πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž