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junior grimes (junior the egomaniac)

a boy of ambiguous yet villainous nature. Originated from wherever he feels he needs to be. Often mistaken for Arabic, speaks different languages yet ancestry is likely European but lives all around the world. grimes has English origin yet some of his knowledge originated from the east but prefers to live in the west.

A middle eastern looking white man who speaks French and Spanish yet born to an australian father but moved to America, what the hell even is junior Grimes???????


Girl: are you arab?

Junior; sometimes


Cop; how old are you?

Junior: yes


Woman; are you a billionaire?

Junior: I can be, for reality is what I desire it to be

Woman: *speechless*

Junior grimes (junior the egomaniac) is enigmatic yet charming to say the least

by Morganize November 3, 2021


As the definition is just basically selfish, Selfish as in Over obsessing over ones need(You) and not others(opposite-Selflessness)

'Amy started being an egomaniacal person after her dad secured a job with a high salary'.

by NotWoRthEveNAdOlLaR February 25, 2023


Henry price rogers

Henry price Rogers is an egomaniac

by Hpr.is.a.slag March 25, 2021