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Empathetic Bowel Movement

An empathetic bowel movement is when a person, usually a male, has an extremely tough bowel movement, leading to extreme empathy and sympathy towards women who are active in the birthing process.

Oh man this is such an empathetic bowel movement. I love all women giving birth right now.

by quagblar December 9, 2013

Empathetic Suicide Idealization

Empathetic Suicide Idealization is wanting, thinking, or acting on committing suicide but fearing how others may react to your death or caring about how they perceive you before/during/after committing suicide.

Guy 1: I love my family but I don’t want to leave them grieving whatever they saw in me.

Guy 2: You are experiencing Empathetic Suicide Idealization you want to die but can't stand the fact that people will be affected and grieve your loss.

by ROTHOBONE February 5, 2023



You are empathetic, you have no feelings and you’re pathetic

by Cheech1978 February 10, 2021

empathetically sympathetic

to experience someones trials and receive the reward without experiencing the situation first hand.

Knowing and Understanding the perfect love of Christ and receiving the Spirit and Mind of Him is the only way to obtain a feat of strength known as being empathetically sympathetic.

by child_ofGod May 9, 2021