Source Code

Ave employees

Tard ass employees who work at The Ave who have a metal rod stuck up their ass and get butthurt over tiny ass shit. They scared as shit because they don't want the work and they just run away and just report everything like bastards. Ave employees also classify as avetards just like their residents. *The GIF below is a good representation of all their employees*

The Ave got butthurt about getting called an avetard and the Ave employees reported because they're little bitches.

by TurnM3Up January 24, 2020

Zara Employee

They are tech extremists coming to doom the Mongolians. They travel in Mach 2.6 kilometers. Their main motivation is to corrupt the Rare Fish market and steal all the uncles.

Person 1: Dude I just met this Zara Employee

by Beaksss November 4, 2022

Employee Status

Being the type of person (loser/average) that will end up being an employee as opposed to a "boss". Usually used to demean someone else and to make the point that they are inferior to you.

Wow that guy is such a fucking loser. Employee status for life.

by Senvik April 25, 2011

Essential employee

A person that wants to stay at home in quarantine due to COVID-19 but can't due to the fact they cannot telecommute and there are no legal protections in place for the employee. So, she/he has to make a choice between (A) working for money with the increased risk of exposure, (B) staying at home and burning PTO until it runs out, or (C) leaving the company and having no income. Those living paycheck to paycheck (for whatever reason that may be is inconsequential at this point), wind up putting themselves and their family at greater risk because they have to keep a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs, and food on the table.

John wanted to stay at home during the COVID-19 quarantine across America, but he was told he was an essential employee and could lose his job if he didn't show up for work. Having no savings, John swallowed his pride, went to work, got infected with COVID-19 by a fellow employee in the same situation, and died.

by Sausage75 March 24, 2020

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boy employee

The male employee who makes idiotic choices or decisions involving a girlboss

Martha: "Helen of Troy is a girlboss for getting two men to fight over her"
Jan: "Yeah, Menelaus is a boy employee for keeping her lock up."

by Itcheecoochie June 8, 2021

MAC Employee

MAC Employees just happen to be the most condescending and rude workers ever. If you're under the age of 20, they automatically assume you have no clue what you're doing, have no money, and are stealing the products. Even if you're whole face is beat to the gods, they never seem to actually give you the time of day they show to the 50 year old women browsing the store. Most of the time, their makeup is way too intense and you probably could do better yourself.

MAC Employee: Hi...

Teenage girl: Could I get some help over here?
MAC Employee: *rolls eyes* I mean, I guess...

by doitforjokes January 25, 2017

government employee

in fact I don't do dick all day, I'm busy typing this shit in urban dictionary when I should be working, (I mean taking a coffee break, smoke break, etc.

Man is it time to go home yet, my ass is getting soar from sitting here all day.

by Big Chief Smack-a-Ho February 6, 2003

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