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No Excuses

Getting on with your life...not letting things get in your way...being positive and optimistic...not looking for a reason to avoid something...not wasting an opportunity...

There's 'no excuses' for not making the most of your life.

by saintjohn February 11, 2013

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An alternative word for the phrase "I didn't ask to be excused." (I didn't ask for excusion.)"

Girl 1: *farts*
Girl 2: "Excuse you!!!"
Girl 1: "I didn't ask for excusion."

by Hindotmo February 25, 2008

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Like assholes, we all have one, and they all stink.

my dog ate my homework

by $$C-P0sEr$$ December 22, 2009

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The Excuse

Diarrhea. It will get you out of anything, including high school classes. No one will argue with you, or question you further.

(a teacher and a student)

T: I'm going to write you up for skipping my class again!

S (in a hushed voice, The Excuse): ummmm....I couldn't get off the toilet...I had diarrhea...

T: um...

(at this point the teacher dosn't want to listen anymore, and pretends to be busy. you walk away in sucess)

by Adam Kelly October 20, 2005

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there's no excuse for that

Something, arrogant self-righteous people say, when they disapprove of anything that someone else might say or do.

When the waiter wiped his nose with his sleeve, the business executive said to his guests, "There's no excuse for that."

by Frank Le April 1, 2015

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1.) Alowed to leave. 2.)Released 3.)Forgivin

1./2. Teacher: You are excused class.

3.(friend takes a dank fart) Excuse you, bitch.

by cheeched4life September 30, 2006

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A sentence or phrase often used to explain every occurrence of death in FPS games such as Counter-Strike and Quake

stat killed Reaps with ma41
(Dead)Reaps: OMFG stupid mouse cord FS!
RandomCSer killed Reaps with mp5navy
(Dead)Reaps: omg my ping FS, was 600 THEN!
(Dead)s0ck: it was 150 man
(Dead)spageh: yer, was 160 when I last checked
(Dead)Reaps: omfg no it was'nt !! FS!

by Anonymous May 27, 2003

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