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Someone who is a good friend of yours but is sometimes annoying but they are still your friend and accept you are a famalam

Ah your such a famalam
Hi famalam

by the boiii November 17, 2016

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Raw Famalam

This is what you call someone when you want to be epicly funny & want to call someone "stupid" or "retarded" while fooling around with friends or co-workers.

Bruh this b*tch being a raw famalam.

by GalixerWonUwU December 1, 2020

Wagwan peng ting famalam

Well whats up man

Wagwan peng ting famalam ding dong

by Ing jh. August 2, 2017

23๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Swagwan famalam whats a crackalackin in Groovetown

The way that Chemo's in Leicestershire greet each other

Chemo 1: Swagwan famalam whats a crackalackin in Groovetown
Chemo 2: Not much mush, wanna smoke a cheeky jay

by whattheclubpenguin August 11, 2016

innit famalam

'Innit famalam' is a twist on the slang words 'innit fam'. invented by Shreya.

'hey thats so sick'
'innit famalam'

by cndjfheiidhishdkfhkg November 16, 2020



i love my famalam

by lassy October 3, 2021


Another word for the word fam. A person who is better than "fam" but not yet a "chad".

person 1: oi famalam who's that girl
person 2: idk famalam what you talk'n 'bout

Hey what's up famalam

by Maxwell Jebaited November 23, 2020