Source Code


Federal Election Commission. A independent agency of the federal government charged with elections' rules and conduct, and registering new political parties to participate in the US political circuit. Unfortunately, the are directly responsible for letting the US political circuit settle into a solely bi-partisan system that blocks most independent party participation in any government level(local, state, and federal).

The FEC is surely getting too lax. Is this why we keep getting clowns like Mrs. Clinton and Trump as the last remaining candidates for POTUS?

by DPSTTMPST October 20, 2016

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


- Frank Erwin Center, the basketball arena for the University of Texas longhorns. One of the largest in the nation and rivals some NBA facilities.

Damn, the horns sure do kick some ass at teh FEC!

by CorporationX May 2, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž



"look at that jerk's fecking fat fec."

by ;) October 29, 2003

5๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A human head that resembles the tip of a penis.

Man, that guy has such a FEC head.

by the beatjackson February 7, 2010

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pretty much stands for FUCK EVERY CUNT
Used in a lot of different situations such as going full send at something or doing something you Know you shouldnโ€™t be doing

Man just hit that jump youโ€™ll make it easy
Yeah fuck it FEC Iโ€™m doing it

by StraightGmatic May 20, 2020

1๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone that's putting on an act in a place they normally wouldn't belong with good intentions

The goal of a Fec is to be able to slide into a character they play to fit in with a culture and slide out without being noticed
Only people with high confidence, social skills and street knowledge can pull off being a Fec without being exposed as a Fec (requires what some call aura, realted to rizz)
Calling someone a Fec can be an insult when the person is posing and not admitting
Calling yourself a Fec or someone using Fec in a postitive way can be compliments

"That guy is def a Fec, he's a cop but he's off duty so he's prob not a rat"
"I'm a Fec, I've got so much aura that people don't even know who I really am"
"I saw Brenden hanging out with Daquavion and Jamal, but he's a Fec not a poser"
"Bro's switched up to get attention from the girls, he's a Fec no cap"
"Nah he's not really about the streets, he's just a Fec"

by grdcp May 10, 2024


Never sends its shit out but I gets other shit. They have weird fucking tanks in the middle of consists, honestly wtf

FEC is selfish

by Raillllllll November 23, 2021