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A person who believes in the equality of genders and that women should have equal rights to men.

These people do *not* believe women should be superior, nor that men should be (common misunderstanding). They believe in equality.

"I believe men and women should be equal, therefore I am a femenist."

by Phoenix R June 18, 2017

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Not funny

Femenists cant and will never be funny

by Potatoknishes888 May 22, 2020

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Ann Helen, typically a wohman with cancer that believe that men er nazi and gay or coloured men are fine no matter what they do.

Did you see those femenist with disabilities.
OH! you mean all of them?

by hernik333 September 7, 2017


A poorly written feminist character, moment, or plot point made by a male writer, drawing on the most horrible and cliche ideas about feminism (that were most likely invented and turned into tropes by men to begin with).


Female character: Are you saying that because I'm a WOMAN? Well, let me tell you, Mr. Penis-Haver, us WOMEN can be just as strong and ruthless as you, sir!

Male screenwriter: Ooo yes this is gold.

Audience: That's some feMENist garbage right there.

by UndeadNoir February 21, 2021


a fucking dumbass who complains about men having to spread their legs because they have balls. femenism is like tve word nigga, it has lost it's meaning. frmrnism used to be something good but now it's just an excuse for grumoy singlemothers to complain about the most stupid fucking reasons

oh that bitch is a dumbass femenist

by b0fa_Scootzonig February 5, 2020

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Modern Femenist

Someone who claims to strive for equality of the sexes, but is actually trying to institute inequality with Women over Men. Some are delusional, others are manipulative and power-hungry. All are paranoid.

Did you see Anita Sarkeesian yesterday? Total Modern Femenist.

by FDrybob November 19, 2015

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Femenist Llama

A sexual act, usually done by an angry female whose suitor has done her wrong, whereby a female performs oral sex on a male parter and allows him to jizz in her mouth. Next, the female proceeds to stand up, spit the jizz back in her male partner's face, and punch him in the junk.

First Female: "I can't believe he said he wanted to break up! Are you okay?"
Second Female: "Yeah, I'm fine. I gave him a Femenist Llama as a going away present."

by TheGrindingNun May 30, 2009

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