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Fernando is a good guy, who you can fall in love with in a day because of his personality, and sweetness. He is the coolest person I know... besides my girls.He has hazel eyes that turn brown when he is mad... but he is also and a good friend, who can trusst you no matter your repution. I should know ... i'm dating a fernando. and he is sooooo kind but can sometimes get on my nerves but after a while you get used to it. He's not the smartest cookie in the jar but is still smart.

Fernando is kind and sweet... and kinda cute!!<3

by Dedi_Pia4eva March 30, 2018

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Typical mexican name of a spicy mexican guy. His ability to steal girls hearts is unbelievable and irritating. He is easy to spit with his dark, spiky hair and dark eyes. Typical traits of a Fernando is being a douche, player, and popular lady's man. He can get any girl he wants without even trying. Though when facing the rare rejection, he turns to spreading shit. Don't be the one to reject the Fernando

Girl 1: I went to a party and lost my virginity with this guy I just met... He was so wonderful and I love him and I want him and OMG I forgot to ask his name!

Girl 2: no need to bother asking, that was a fernando

by Nothingbutthetruth December 11, 2012

198πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž


Usually a hot senior with a big dick very athletic, mexican and has a hot girlfriend with a fat ass major dime and they both get very kinky he is perfect and eats pussy so good and can rellyy hit it

"Did you see her new bf"
"Yeah fernando is sexy lucky her"

by yoloswaggggggggygurl November 5, 2013

56πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


One bad mother fuck3r. First name greatest last name ever.

Boy 1 - that guys crazy!

Boy 2 - naw man! He's Fernando!

by Webstar824 February 4, 2010

916πŸ‘ 439πŸ‘Ž


Not a human not a dog it is a chicken the holy chicken from Minecraft created by Noproblem977 he will go above you all

Fernando fly he bird

by Noproblem977 May 3, 2022

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Fernando is a super cool person and job wishes he could be like him but he cant so he dies just a little bit more inside. Fernando is super cool and can get with any girl he wants any time he wants he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants because he is so perfect.

Fernando fucked every girl in school

by kajdkljaskldjf April 17, 2008

1559πŸ‘ 848πŸ‘Ž


Typical mexican name for a guy, and a spicy one too. A Fernando is a dare devil risquΓ© guy who will fuck anyone anywhere at any time. He is known for stealing hearts and breaking them. He is a chick magnet and he knows it. Typical traits of a Fernando: spiky dark hair, piercing dark eyes, dark skin and a deep and seductive low voice.
Typical personality of a Fernando: douchey, player, cheater, lady's man, hot stuff, the desirable one.

Girl 1: *takes a deep breath* OMG I went to a club last night and met this guy he was so dark and lean and mean and I lost my virginity to him and made out with him and he asked me out and I want him and I need him even though he's with another girl now- wait! I forgot to ask his name!

Girl 2: no worries, I guarantee that was a Fernando.

by Thetruthbetold December 11, 2012

129πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž