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1) People who live in Finland.

2) Unsocial and unsecure people.

"Finnish people live in igloos."
"No, they don't!"

by matey88 February 9, 2007

111πŸ‘ 330πŸ‘Ž


A person is finnished after or during the situation where someone else screws up totally. The finnished person mourns how life sucks because of this, and yet secretly believes that there might be a miracle ahead because of some secret ingredient like "sisu" or at least after drinking a couple of beers and the visit to the toilet or to the fridge.

A finnished person always knows the reasons why something bad happened or is about to happen, but, he or she has no actual will to make things better. He or she is willing to give valuable advice - but only afterwards. When the defeat is inevitable, finnished people take their painkillers and start to wait the next possible victory since it is just about to happen.

Guy #1: How is your life going?
Guy #2: I drank too much for a week and got a headache since my favorite team lost the game on Friday. Can you believe that the coach was so damn stupid and who, who the hell selected those players? Where was our defence? Why did they not attack? I know several things about the game by heart and they apparently nothing.
Guy #1: Sorry to hear. Better luck next time.
Guy #2: Well, at least we have the victory from a decade ago. We are the best because of that. This team did not deserve to play further. It was so right for them to lose.
Guy #1: Sorry to say but you are so finnished.

"USA made 6 goals. The hockey team from Finland tried to play and got 1 goal. The online crowd in Finland concentrated on tweets and Facebook status updates since they needed to wonder who was so stupid to let these players to represent them and while wondering this, they got more drunk. They had no opportunity to be the hockey heroes they knew they were. That sucked. The audience was so finnished."

by alituj&irruk February 26, 2010

6πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Slang for 'Fine-ish', usually used ironically to describe something very fine

Johans sister is pretty finnish

by Marc a.k.a T.I.M.S. November 15, 2004

35πŸ‘ 283πŸ‘Ž

Finnish Line

The finnish line marks the point at which all the alcohol in a household has been drunk and everyone is smashed. "Crossing the finnish line" refers to the act of drinking all that's left in a house through mass partying and drinking games.

The people of Finland (the finnish) are known for being able to hold their liquor and for their mad partying skills. The finnish set the bar high when it comes to hardcore drinking, so reaching the finnish line is truly a badge of honor, particularly if it happens as a result of winning many games of beirut or beer pong in a row.

"After winning seven games of 10-cup beirut in a row, the finnish line was in sight for Mark and Janet. When they won their final game and all the beer was gone, they stepped across the finnish line and had the best drunk sex ever."

"Guy #1: How was the party at Stubby's last night?
Guy #2: Dude, it was amazing, we hit the finnish line.
Guy #1: Woah, how much did you start with?
Guy #2: Let's just say that hockey players from Helsinki would have been jealous.
Guy #1: That's fucked up."

by mgeyer2006 May 1, 2006

235πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

being Finnish

Sitting around without making a word or a face as did you live in a country of ice and darkness.

-What's up with Pekka tonight?

-I have no idea, he's always being Finnish just after new years

by Svensvensven November 20, 2011

Finnish hammer

#1 : a frozen mackerel

#2: those last pumps before you cum inside someone

"I used a Finnish hammer to keep the nails in the wall"

"I totally felt the Finnish hammer last night with Stephanie "

by MikeXse April 3, 2015

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Finnish Headbutt

Where you headbutt though solid matter to look into an area

I Finnish headbutt to work on my car’s engine.

by ColtonM02 May 23, 2018

1177πŸ‘ 418πŸ‘Ž