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An actual acronym among the mass of Millennial abbreviations--WTF, OMFG, ad nauseum--mistaken as such.

The word fomo (not to be mistaken with its homophone, Faux-mo) stands for “fuck off; move on.” Its lack of semicolon is comparable to other minor details implied—though not included—in the transference of countless other phrases to acronyms. ex: the word “of” in OPEC.

Created as an addition to the lexicon of netspeak, fomo is ideal for a thread in which some twatrot insists on saying the same thing with slightly different phrasing under the auspices that this time s/he’ll make everyone else “see the light.” A mod or community member who’s had enough might chime in ‘”Dude, we all heard you. Feel free to fomo. Matter of fact, I insist.’

However, the inception of fomo came about in direct response to some Millennials with the attention span of gnats, who—despite the fact they’ve never read an entire book in their lives—still feel the inherent need to exert the time and energy to snark that a 5-paragraph post was tl; dr.

(via chat):

‘Fecking shit. I spent all morning writing a blog just to log-in tonight and find four lame-ass comments in response!’

‘dang, maing. 4 cmnts means u affected 4 ppl. imagine how I feel 2 get cero?’

‘Yeah, well imagine how *I* feel when all four say ‘tl;dr’?’

‘worrrrrst. it's like, whyd they feel the need 2 tell u that? bitches need to just fomo—and fast.’

‘Agreed. I don’t have to stop some author in his tracks and go, ‘Hey, I didn’t read your book.’


‘O.K. You can speak in English now…”

by clintcatalyst July 11, 2008

37👍 162👎


An abbreviated word for the two words of Fucking Homo
A name for a fucking homo

You Fomo!
That Fomo killed me and I was one kill away from a tactical nuke!

by xsteelerd56x November 2, 2011

9👍 33👎


Having no fear of missing out (fomo) on social media updates and taking a short break to focus on real-life things.

Jantje de Boer: Going to the pub with my mates for a few pints, turning my phone off #no-fomo #nofomo

by noFoMO-man December 17, 2013

23👍 1👎


A disorder that Norman "Nick" suffers from. He cannot miss out on anything or it will just continuously eat at him forever. He will try to go to any extent to ensure that he does not miss out on anything because he doesn't want to be the one person who wasn't there.

Norman "Nick" initially said he wasn't gonna come to LFK last weekend but after his roommates left, he got hit with mad FOMO and decided to say "F my chem test" and just leave at 8 pm that same night to not miss out.

by TurnM3Up December 9, 2019

236👍 36👎


Fear of missing out. This is a very common term thrown at one specific avetard, this nigga has the biggest fear of missing out, causing him to literally drive 5 hours at a random point in time just to avoid missing out on something. "Oh shit, what if they do something super lit and I'm not there." And to whoever took this shit down, FUCK YOU

Lol, Norman "Nick" got a case of FOMO and literally made a decision to drive 5 hours at 8 pm.

by TurnM3Up July 21, 2020

116👍 18👎


"fear of missing out". The fear that if you miss a party or event you will miss out on something great

Even though he was exhausted, John's fomo got the best of him and he went to the party.

by Beaqon October 3, 2006

9039👍 2389👎


Acronym - Fear Of Missing Out

The intensely annoying act of being psychologically and physically compelled to open social networking or email applications at innoppropriate times. Significantly the FOMO phenomena generally occurs during mid-conversation with friends and loved ones, usually resulting in the individual/s involved in the conversation, that are not afflicted with FOMO, experiencing isolated incidents of intense rage.

Individual 1: "That looks like a good deal"

Individual 2: "It does. Ok, so do you think we should go ahead and book this holiday then?"

Individual 1 (FOMO): <looking down at mobile phone>

-- 30 seconds pass --

Individual 2: "I really hope that phone exploads in your hands and you are left unable to do that, at all, EVER"

-- 10 seconds pass --

Individual 2: "You disgust me to the core"

-- 10 seconds pass --

Individual 1: <looks up from mobile device> "Did you say something to me just then?"

by humaoliv July 16, 2013

246👍 92👎