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6th formers

People aged 16-17 who go to 6th form. Most of them look like shit, hit on girls who are 13-14 and will fail their A levels. Some of them want to commit no life. Only the weird ones actually enjoy 6th form (avoid them). They think their in charge of the school when their not.

boy: mummy why is there zombies staring at me?
mum: those are 6th formers.

by 9/11 skydiver September 5, 2020

former hook

a girl (or guy) that someone has hooked up with in the past

yo check out that bitch!
she's a former hook.

by jeff samardjiza December 26, 2011

Former Felon

A term invented by politicians to justify allowing felons to vote. There is no such thing as a former felon, once a felon, always a felon.

Hearing held to decide whether Floridaโ€™s former felons should be allowed to vote

by non-pc August 19, 2020

Turd Former

The shittiest year to be in - when every other highschooler looks down on you for being such a midget.

Turd formers are generally found sitting in clusters in the quad whinging about how much homework they have, being nerdy, or drinking illegally.

Also rarely known as a "Third Former" (Year 9, Year 10, Freshman)

Turd Former: So I did something really stupid the other day-
Fourth Former: That's because you're a TURD FORMER!!!

Turd Former: All this homework is killing me-
Fourth Former: Stop being such a whinger, TURD FORMER!!!

by Chilled Melonade November 6, 2010

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former cutter

Someone who used to cut. Meaning, they used to slash and draw blood from themselves with sharp objects. Most former cutters are proud, they stopped cutting either with help or alone, and can generally easily talk about their past life. However, even former cutters are generally still a bit unstable (for lack of a better and less demeaning word). Because of this, cutting still feels like a part of them and it can be very tempting at times.

If you meet a former cutter, don't make fun of cutting, they will generally take personal offense.

I'm a former cutter, I haven't cut in 43 days on today, October 11. I'm proud of my accomplishment, and I don't mind speaking about it. Don't be mean though, I take offense when people make fun of me or anyone that even cut.


A- *holding a knife to her wrist jokingly* It hurts so good! *laughs*

Me- *turns away and doesn't laugh*


Don't be mean to former cutters, be supportive and congratulate them.

by Jinx; former cutter October 12, 2009

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Former Ukraine

The territory was once but a mere province of the Soviet Empire, they tried the independent thing before Russia moved back in.

This is the line to change your former Ukraine passport in for a Russian Federation.

by Kramer says Ukraine is weak April 17, 2022

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former choker

someone who once was a choker but overcame that to win a big game(usually a championship) also it can B a team that went decades without a championship, also called silencer of critics that is a former choker.

Peyton Manning, Chris Leak, The Boston Red Sox(2004), The Chicago White Sox(2005), and John Elway were all chokers but won the big game and are now former chokers

by King-David Granderson February 5, 2007

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