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A clueless, nebbish, or otherwise lost individual. A Francine can be of either gender, and has nothing to do with femininity/masculinity. Rather, to be a Francine, one usually must make a dumb or glaringly obvious suggestion, or generally behave in a manner which is more becoming of a slightly brain-damaged garden slug.

This term seems to have originated from the 1984 film, "Ghostbusters." It was coined by Dr. Peter Venkman, played by Billy Murray, in reference to Dan Aykroyd's character.

"I was thinking that maybe for Halloween, we should carve some pumpkins!"
"Wow, way to be on top of the decorating, Francine."

by LightBoy January 25, 2006

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John: Hey, is Francine around?
Dealer: Yeah, she's right here. Do you want to pick her up?

by monikher June 29, 2021

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Francine is pretty sweet

by knowingit September 13, 2020


Francin is a person you should be very thankful to have around! They are extremely beautiful and knowledgeable but usually don’t acknowledge it themselves. You should be very thankful to have a friend like Francin around because they are the most honest and loyal people you will ever come across!

Omg this person is so beautiful and kind! they must be an Francin!

by Elulilali August 5, 2021

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

francine ramage

An exceptionally amazing person with the most brilliant red hair.

i wish i had hair that was the reddest of the red, i.e francine ramage hair

by bumblebee8919 June 29, 2010

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Francine Pascal

1) Author of teen series: Sweet Valley High and Fearless/Fearless FBI. Also wrote The Ruling Class.

1) "Francine Pascal just came out with a new fearless book came out today! Too bad she doesn't even write her own books. She comes up with the idea and then someone else writes it for her."

"That's probably why it sucks then."

by BitcharoniMacaroni October 11, 2009

Erica Francine Alvarez

Talented asf. PURRRRR

Oh my god did you see that new girl?

What new girl?

Over there i think her name is ERICA FRANCINE ALVAREZ

Is she pretty?

Yeah asl!!!!!

by Ecafrancina November 24, 2021