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Franzia Frenzy

A drinking game played on downhill skis with a bag of Franzia, invented by the Cal Ski Team to terrorize gapers. While skiing switch down the hill the skier gulps the delicious beverage until he or she can no more, then chucks the bag for his or her buddies to chase after. Whoever gets to the bag first gets to drink (while skiing switch) and the cycle is repeated to the bottom of the hill.

Franzia Frenzy ingeniously combines skiing and drinking games, taking each to a whole new level.

by Cal Ski Team #1! September 1, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Franzia on shelf

When one does not want to open up about their feelings. Franzia on the shelf means the wine is not opened, suggesting that the person is also not open.

โ€œDid you like me?โ€ โ€œIโ€™m a franzia on the shelf bruhโ€ -franzia on shelf

by Kaddy1801 September 26, 2019

The Franzia Challenge

A challenge where one must drink an entire box of Franzia Wine (or any other type of box wine. In all reality, it makes no difference. Franzia is just the preferred box wine.) as fast as they can. If the challenger does not finish within an hour (or any custom time given beforehand), spills any wine, or vomits, the challenge is failed.

"Yo, you trying to do the Franzia Challenge tonight?"
"Fuck that, I'm a lightweight. You go ahead."

by jimdoeistheman January 2, 2012

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

tour de franzia

contestants race to finish a bag of franzia wine, and then ride bikes.

dude what did you do to your elbow?

tour de franzia last night, bro

by fenderbender41 May 21, 2010

85๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tour De Franzia

When one buys every variety of Franzia boxed wine, than proceeds to "slap the bag" down a line till s/he has sampled each one. Tour winners often go for round 2 or 3. An armstrong or a lance is achieved when someone completes the Tour 7 times in one night.

Ralph- yo how fucked up were you?
Molly- i was schmacked, i did the Tour de Franzia twice!!
Raplh- Fuck yeah!

by youhaveaniceface July 13, 2012

25๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

tour de franzia

when a large group of friends gather and split up into groups of three. each group purchases a box of fronzia and has a list of 10 places they need to go and take pictures drinking the franzia at.

we'll be so fucked up by the 6th location, we wont even complete the tour de franzia.

by eetabayla April 27, 2010

32๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tour de Franzia

A Tour de Franzia is a variation of a Power Hour wherein the bicycler drinks a shot of Franzia every minute, on the minute, for an hour.

A Centurion of Tour de Franzia is similar, except that it goes for 100 minutes.

Tours de Franzia must be done while wearing at least a bicycle helmet. It is better if the cyclist wears bicycle gloves, pads, and riding clothes. It is also recommended that a water bottle be filled with Franzia in order to provide hydration in between shots.

"Do you want to do a Tour de Franzia to pregame?"

"No way man, a Tour de Franzia will be my endgame."

by AEKDB_Eta March 12, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž