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free agents

people who buy drugs. They are free to find and they work as agents "bring you more and more money"

"all these free agents you better build ur team" Jeezy

by Young Lady November 26, 2006

5πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Restricted Free Agent

A hot girl under the age of 18 that you would like to have sexual intercourse with.When dealing with restricted free agents you may have to give up conditional draft picks to acquire their services. The higher the draft pick the higher the jail sentence and the hotter the bitch.

Damn that restricted free agent is hot as fuck, i would give up a first round pick to fuck her.

While i was at chuckie cheese i encountered some restricted free agents.

Last night i fucked a first round pick, then i woke up in the morning and realized she was really just a seventh round pick.

by Rob JJ Nerf June 12, 2009

35πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

undrafted free agent

This prospect is opposite to a lottery pick. "Lets be friends" material and possesses little to none attributes you'd want in a partner. Very slim chance of making your roster

Chris- I dont know how i feel about her, she's got nothing really going for her

Keith- If this was the NBA draft, she'd be an undrafted free agent

by KillaKeith608 July 16, 2011

free agent

The New 'adventure game' from LucasArts Starring Spaff.

Spaff is starring in 'Free Agent' from LucasArts

by jon January 28, 2004

2πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Make LeBron a Free Agent

(Another euphamism for "Taking my talents to South Beach")

Damn, I got the bubble guts! I'll be back. I'm going to the bathroom to "Make LeBron a Free Agent".

by The Encyclopedia Cuyahoga August 19, 2010

4πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Free Agent

Something ryan says to dylan in the game The Quarry, when asked whether or not he has a boyfriend

Dylan: β€œgirlfriend?”
Ryan: β€œuhhh, not exactly.”
Dylan: β€œboyfriend?”
Ryan: β€œfree agent.”

by Quarryy October 2, 2022

Free Agent

As long as you don't have a duo q, you are considered a free agent

dang do you think he is a Free Agent? I've been looking for someone.

by freeagentcreator September 18, 2023