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full time girlfriend

Being together with your girlfriend for a long time and making it known to everyone.

"I went from living with my parents to having my own condo and having my own business, making my own schedule, having money, dating women, finally having a full time girlfriend who I wanna be with..."

by dicke eier November 7, 2015

full-time friend

An insecure friend that always needs constant devotion and attention to keep from flipping out and assuming the worst about your friendship. They are like significant others without benefits.

"Yeah, she's mad at me because she thinks I'm 'ignoring' her texts. My phone was dead, jeez. "
"Wow, she's a full-time friend, isn't she?"

by yuudachi April 4, 2009

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full time sexy

Its apparently a noun. A job title for anyone who is extremely sexy. A full time sexy can be anyone so long as they maintain their sexiness in whatever they do, whether its as simple as writing a book about koalas or even as crazy as saving the world from impending doom.

Man, I cannot believe she can be a full time sexy and write a book, play soccer and just about everything! I wish I was a full time sexy like her...

by THEPANDABEAR November 26, 2013

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Full-time Lesbian

A woman who doesn't identify as a lesbian just to give a guy an erection

Did you see Leslie kiss that girl last night? I thought she was being a boner dyke but she is a full-time lesbian.

by batshitcray August 28, 2020

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Full Time Toker

A person who frequently partakes in the smoking of cannabis, Usually by smoking through a bong or a pipe. Some people like to smoke it with tobacco in what's called a 'joint'.

oh look over there its Billy the 'Full Time Toker'. John from across the road is a 'Full Time Toker', you can just smell the aroma.

by GackyBuckets December 3, 2019

full time clamando

Full time Clamando is a woman that never ever wears underwear or undergarments.

Mary Jo has always been in full time Clamando

by Midwest baller May 8, 2017

Full Time Hustler's Motto

Full Time Hustlers Motto is Mob or money over bitches

Most of the rappers these days are all about the Full Time Hustler's Motto.money over bitches

by Mict June 14, 2007

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