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Forget all you've heard. This is the REAL definition. Fungo McPhoebe White is an extremely fucked up individual who's become very sexy (he's like the damn Crow!) and likes funny music (Shinedown and Smile Empty Soul). Loves telling people to go to Hell. Likes fucking older women.

Fungo does it for the drugs.

by Titty Bob and Bart Le Froof October 31, 2004

11πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

Fungo Bungo

The act of wearing tropical or hawaiian themed shirts/attire often out to bars, parties, or other social occasions. Typically done regardless of the current season or weather, contradicting the traditional context in which it is appropriate to wear such clothing.

Person 1: We should go out tonight, but I don't know what to wear.
Person 2: We could do fungo bungo.
Person 1: But we're in the middle of winter!
Person 2: And?

by OGLAVACAKES January 26, 2023

Fungo Fish


P1: Fungo Fish
P2: Fungo Fish
P3: What
P1 and P2: Fungo Fish

by Fungo Fish April 17, 2022

fungo bat

After dumping a load on yo bitches foread,use the flat underside of your penis and popping yo bitch on the forehead.Causing yor mancream to splatter.

I damn near blinded the bitch using the fungo bat

by steakfries August 27, 2008

20πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Fungo slump nut bump

Is your coach hitting bad fungos? Hit him with the fungo slump nut bump to get him on track. Gently rub your balls on the handle of his fungo to get him back on track

Player 1: Man! Coach keeps hitting me one hoppers..

Player 2: Dude , after practice give him a fungo slump nut bump. He'll be better than ever tomorrow!

by Slumpbuster101 February 22, 2014

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

diggity fungo

When you just got out of the shower and you put on clean clothes and your house is perfectly clean and you have money in the bank and you have no work or school the next day and you have fun plans later with friends or family and you just feel content and happy and grateful for being alive. You also look cute af tho

Someday I wish to achieve diggity fungo

by Padmeamidala4060 January 5, 2021


italian for mushroom, often used as a compliment

jed: β€œyou are looking fungo today josh”
josh: β€œwhy thank you, you look rather fungo too”

by big fungo (doom_doom) November 12, 2021