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A stupid website that used to be funny but now is ran by a guy name The Designer who made the site give your computer a virus.

man #1 : Hey have u seen funnyjunk lately

man#2 : No i stopped going on there since the designer came because he gave my comp a virus

by SMITHattack June 12, 2010

187👍 469👎


Probly the best shit ever where people sit around and laugh at REALLY AWESOMELY CUTE ASS CATS!!! Its so cool there's so many cute little cats!!

Chelsea: omg! I wish I could see non stop cute little cats
Roxy_baby: you sure can go see funnyjunk its the bomb
*Chelsea looks at funnyjunk*
Chelsea: I love this so much!! Thank you Roxy_baby *schmoo schmoo schmoo*

by guess who!! Vixen January 21, 2008

131👍 582👎


A website, commonly filled with bronys or anime freaks. theres item boards, brony, and random, all counter parts of the site. Most content is from tumblr.

Longer Version on my funnyjunk account


Funnyjunkie Evolution;

New FJ user: Lol, this is funny! *clicks the green thumb*

Common visitor FJ user: Meh.

6 month FJ user: Phanact is cool!

1 yr old FJ user: eh...- I've been banned, once.

and so on.

by purplewoder July 18, 2013

10👍 48👎

Funnyjunk Douche

Someone who blatantly steals peoples hardwork, gives no credit to the OP, while receiving a considerable amount more thumbs than the OP, in some cases achieving frontpage. In some cases the Funnyjunk Douche will leave the OP's watermark they've left, or signature and claim it to be there own. This shows that the FJ Douche has no respect for his fellow funnyjunk community and therefore has no place on Funnyjunk.

An extreme Funnyjunk Douche is one who once called out from the OP, deletes the comment left and blocks the OP.

A Reposter is a borderline funnyjunk douche, it depends on whats being posted, and if they blatantly stole "OC" from someone. An example being, jontheninjas comics being reposted and making front page.

Some examples of a "Funnyjunk Douche" are ballerinstaller and cameronchase.
Who literally stole ideas, OC, and content claimed it to be theres.

An example of an extreme Funnyjunk Douche is krispybananaz who stole a hardworking user's (Tia) comp of funny pictures, added a few of his own, while leaving Tias signature, or end message on the picture, while claiming it as his own. Tia called him out but krispybananaz quickly deleted Tia's comment.

That is a prime example of an extreme Funnyjunk Douche

by BatCountry of Funnyjunk May 3, 2011

34👍 14👎