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Creature; weird or unnatural being

Me: I like to do math at 3:30 a.m
Friend: Wow man you're such a gersh

by booger face2 July 17, 2013

4👍 36👎


Also meaning gosh. A funny name for gosh.. and a better one if i do say so myslef.. <3

"Oh muh gersh! i am so lucky ur here today or else i wouldnt have a ride home!"
"Gersh ur mean!"

by MeAgAn April 30, 2005

4👍 42👎


A truly sexy person. Woman and men alike are obsessed with him. Gershes are usually short, balding, sunburnt savages who wear sunglasses that make this human look even more amazing.

Oh my Gosh! That man! It's...Gershy! I truly love you Gersh!

by jeFfRyJeFfErSon September 14, 2016

1👍 20👎


a dirty vagina that stinks; a smell that sweating overweight people have when they do not wash their folds.

She needs to shower because I can smell her gersh.

by donesomething July 3, 2017

2👍 23👎

Er Mer GErsh

When you in church and you dont want to offend every one in there Just replace o my god with this word....... God will never know

Er Mer Gersh becky you go to the same church.

by Bob Marley's Son April 17, 2016

2👍 3👎


A truly sexy person both men and women lust after him gersh's are usually short ,handsome and extremely strong.

Oh my God he's so gersh! I wish my boyfriend would be as gersh as him!

by Gershboy69 July 3, 2018