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Ghetto Bird

-Black girls who are just to damn loud and get outta control.

Whoa! Easy now GHETTO BIRD, just calm down.

by Chris Sanchez November 3, 2006

72๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ghetto Bird

A "Ghetto Bird" is a helicopter with a super bright light that usually flies around hoods/black neighborhoods, hints the word "Ghetto" in its name.

There is also a skateboarding trick called the Ghetto Bird (A fakie hardflip late backside 180) named by Kareem Campbell.

Dude Bro: Dude Man? What the Fuck is that noise?
Dude Man: Get inside. There looking for me!
Dude Bro: Who?
Dude Man: That Ghetto Bird!

by Runeflame64 November 29, 2020

Ghetto Bird

da craziest hood in all of the universe

iv never seen a place with more money,drugs, alchoal, people who cant read, guns and bitches that ghetto bird!

iv never seen a place this bad, well except ghetto bird

by -nick May 19, 2006

6๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž

ghetto bird

A police helicopter that flies around looking for crime suspects in an area, often with the use of a searchlight, infrared or night vision.

person1: Is that a helicopter circling around the neighborhood?

person2: Yeah, that's the ghetto bird. They're looking for the dude who robbed the gas station a few blocks away.

by P.O.C. March 24, 2009

57๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ghetto Birds

The loud helicopters with the search lights; usually found in the ghetto.

What's all that noise outside? Oh, its just a ghetto bird.

by Erin December 26, 2001

155๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

ghetto bird

A ghetto bird is a police helicopter. In the early 1990s, the police flew their helicopters around the black neighbords either in search of crime or as an excessive measure in an arrest. Ice Cube's song "Ghetto Bird" clearly displays the sentiments of african-americans. They felt slighted and violated because they were being targeted.

"Why, oh why must you swoop through the hood
like everybody from the hood is up to no good.
You think all the girls around here are trickin
up there lookin like Superchicken
At night I see your light through my bedroom window
But I ain't got shit but the pad and pencil
I can't wait till I hear you say
"I'm going down, mayday, mayday." I'm gonna clown
Cause everytime that the pigs have got me
y'all rub it in with the flying Nazi
military force, but we don't want ya
Standin' on my roof with the rocket launcher
"So fly like an eagle."
But don't follow us wherever we go
The shit that I'm saying, make it's heard
Motherfuck you and your punk-ass ghetto bird"
-Ice Cube - "Ghetto Bird"

by Amanti November 17, 2005

752๐Ÿ‘ 200๐Ÿ‘Ž

ghetto bird

a ghetto bird is another name for a police helicopter in the ghetto. because of the high crime rates in slum areas helicopters constantly patrol from the skies. residents frequently hear them fly over their homes and are so used to the sound they names them ghetto birds as they are just like big birds constantly in the air.

"sound of the ghetto bird helicopters reminds me that i am in the ghetto"

by michellepac313 July 5, 2006

200๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž