Source Code


A Gif is a short looping clip.

Your Friend: Hey Man im tryna send a message to my grandma but it needs a bit of spice, what can i do?
You: Add A Gif! It Would Make It look so much better!

by It is what it is...... January 25, 2021

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Fat or puffy under the chin; heavy lower face area.
Swollen lymph nodes.

Rex Ryan is a great football coach & a charasmatic sports figure. However, I must say he has gif.

by cubpup January 23, 2011

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A word that cannot be pronounced without having an angry mob run after you.

Person: Gif.
Mob: it's pronounced GIF! Get him boys!!!

by TheAwkwardPhysicist October 22, 2017

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No one knows how to pronounce it so now we know whats the next wars r gonna to be about.

Gif or jif IDK.

by AngryTurtleCat May 2, 2019

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(Ge-ef) a video

That gif is super cool

by Theevendankerdankestdankman April 22, 2020

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The most argued about word in existence. P.S. It's pronounced, "JIF"

Me, A.K.A The Person that is Right: IT'S PRONOUNCED, "JIF"
The Person that is WRONG: You're kidding right? Everyone knows it's pronounced, "gif."
Me, A.K.A The Person that is Right: I am no longer your acquaintance.

by dagraetqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv February 11, 2018

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Gif or Gif

An argument about ether the word gif is pronounced gif or gif.

It's pronounced gif by the way

Person 1: Yo, is it gif or gif? I think it's gif

Person 2: You idiot, you absolute buffoon, total and complete nitwit, it's pronounced gif not gif.

by Kumtukey fly chimken March 1, 2020

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