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You came to find your ideal girl here because you don't have one and will never find one

Boy 1: I looked for Girlfriend on the Urban Dictionary
Boy 2: Let me guess, you feel worse now?
Boy 1: Yup

girl friend boy sex banana girlfriend

by Blazing_Fire_ December 30, 2016

19πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Something that you will never have.

"Imagine being stupid like Bobby"
"Yeah, I heard he doesn't even have a girlfriend"

by Snifflypig August 4, 2020

18πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A girlfriend is a woman who makes life amazing for the man that she is in a relationship with.

She is a female friend with whom a man has a romantic and sexual relationship. The male counterpart of a girlfriend is a boyfriend. A great girlfriend will support you throughout your life, and you should support her as well.

Girlfriends and Boyfriends loving and having sex with each other is essential to reproduction.

A girlfriend may eventually become a wife of a man who will become her husband.

Man 1: After a long day of work, my girlfriend makes my life easy and my dick hard.
Man 2: ...I wish I had one...

by Understand the World September 3, 2019

45πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful creature that some dudes dream of having but never will.

Mike: Yo, where's your girlfriend?

Tito: STFU nigguh you know I ain't got one.

Mike: LMAO...fucking loser.

Tito: Word.

by Uptown NY NY July 11, 2008

121πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


She's like sleep something you will never get

Person 1 " Gee wiz I wish I had a girlfriend"
Person 2 "An imaginary girlfriend would do"
Person 1 "Nah dude I don't dream nor sleep"
Person 2 " Well never thought reality and non-reality would coexist"

by Flower Power 101 January 30, 2021

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


One's mythological female creature that exists to bathe you with love and affection if you do the same to it.

I wish my girlfriend was real.

by Depressed_Cheetah July 25, 2020

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Those creatures that will suck the life out of you along with the remaining cash in your wallet.

Guy 1: I want a girlfriend

Guy 2: Oh no you don’t, trust me on this one bud
Guy 1: Why would you say that?
Guy 2: One word, periods.

by h20polo1717 May 19, 2021

119πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž