Source Code


An error in a structured system. It is usually applied to electrical and computer systems.

The electrical grid has developed a glitch

by Mittens November 12, 2003

386๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone acts in such a way that they resemble a "glitched" or bugged character from a video game, usually on drugs.

Justin: Dude why is Greg walking back and forth repeating the same thing over and over?
Ryan: I dunno dude, he's glitched as fuck.
Greg: I'm guessing I should just go and fuck myself..
Justin: What? No..
Greg: I'm guessing I should just go and fuck myself..
Ryan & Justin: He's glitched.

by flawedcode.mp3 May 16, 2017

35๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be super weird, awkward, cringey, and make no sense at all.

Justin: HEy did you see Greg acting like a dog yesterday?
Ryan: Yeah that kid is glitched as fuck

by One trick pony May 15, 2017

25๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mistake, or bug, usually in a computer program or video game.

Dude, did you hear about the glitch in Counter-Strike 1.6 that lets you shoot your pistol when your shield is up?

by Frootcakemobile November 11, 2003

310๐Ÿ‘ 115๐Ÿ‘Ž


Seen commonly in the music press:

1. N. A genre of music, sometimes considered a subset of ambient or idm, which focuses on the idea of "errors" as a musical element. The "errors" in question are usually digital; a common element in glitch music is the rhythmic squeaking clicking noise which occurs when you play back a CD which has been badly scratched.

Seen less commonly, sort of local slang:

2. Adj/Adv. Something which produces pleasantly confusing and/or unpleasantly disorienting effects akin to those commonly resulting from listening to glitch music.
3. Verb. Doing something to someone which produces such effects.

1. "Oval is probably the most well-known artist in glitch, and his album "Systemisch" can be said to define the genre."
2. "The entire game consists of rolling up random 3D objects into a big wad and then throwing them into the sky. It's pretty glitch."
3. "'I saw Being John Malkovich this weekend, it totally glitched me."

by mcc February 3, 2005

123๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


The terms glitch and glitched are mainly used when something in a game powered by technology goes wrong. Other times, it may be just because something has not been considered. When it is not considered, you may be able to go through walls, some things may appear incorrectly, you could get stuck in the ground, et cetera. Other times people will use other meaning for it, but I will not mention these things in this, as there are other panels for this reason.

Person 1: Umm.. dude, look at this glitching. (look at the gif thing i don't know)
Person 2: O....kay.... Um...
Person 1: Maybe if if I just go off of the game..? -Leaves and rejoins-
Person 2: Oh gosh that's worse.
Person 1: I'm just going to leave and NOT rejoin.. -Leaves and walks away-
Person 1: That glitched hard..

by ISoundTooSophisticatedButImNot February 20, 2019


The act of exploiting glitches, errors, mistakes, or a bug in a system for harmless fun or devious mischief.

Glitching can also mean that a system, such as a computer, is experiencing many glitches and technical problems at once.

"He has been at the bank glitching that ATM machine all night..."

"My comp is glitching out again, dammit."

"Glitching the character creation menu is weird, it causes every NPC in the game to turn inside out."

"If I am glitching too much in that game it causes a BSoD and my computer stops working for a few hours."

"Stop glitching or I'll ban you from the server!"

by Camzeck September 24, 2009

28๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž