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Ginger's Glutes

The biggest fucking thing you will fucking see. Ginger's Glutes are fucking huge, nearly as big as his mum's tits which are astronomically huge.

Ginger's Glutes are huge

by Braithrussell March 31, 2019

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Glute Glaze

Glute Glaze is the accumulation of fecal particles and dried urine residue that accumulates throughout the day on the lids of publicly used toilets. Glute Glaze, while often invisible to the naked eye, is a greasy sheen of human ass sweat, butt grease and excrement particles that transfer onto the Gluteus Maximus aka Ass and the backs of the legs when one sits on a public toilet. The only way to remove Glute Glaze is to shower thoroughly at the end of each day. Glute Glaze can be avoided completely by using a toilet seat cover also known as a Toilet Bib but even then, showering is still highly recommended due to airborne excrement particles .

Sherwin returned home after a long day traveling to job sites repairing lawn mowers. Throughout the day, Sherwin relieved his usual bodily functions at various public toilets. Sherwin's girlfriend Hanna refused all romantic interludes, touching and spooning after he got home until Sherwin hit the shower and rid himself of the day's worth of Glute Glaze he had accumulated.

by Eaton Holgoode January 27, 2015

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Glute Spread

Mandatory pose implemented into pro bodybuilding in 2022 where the contestants spread there glutes apart using their hands for the judges. Some contestants may decide to pull their trunks into thongs, or slightly bend over.

Phil Heath takes back the Olympia after dominating the rear glute spread, bless Hany Rambodโ€™s palpating fingers.

by biceppeak69 August 14, 2021

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone that is born with only one butt cheek. This leads to an inability to sit upright or ride a bicycle. A painful affliction found mainly in the developing nations of the world. The Uni-Glute Foundation strives to help the afflicted through their Project Full Moon campaigns seen on late night TV with such taglines as "We can fix your can" and "Splitting ends for a Brighter Future". Also known as Tippers or UniGlutes.

That poor Uni-Glute got too drunk and fell off his stool.

by UGF January 28, 2009

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Glute Flute

Your butthole turns into a glute flute when you fart and you hit at least two different notes in a single fart, or a string of farts.

Tina played a mean glute flute when she ripped ass in the 7-11 last Wednesday.

by WAKEGRIND March 23, 2019

Glute Spread

Mandatory pose implemented into pro bodybuilding in 2022 where the contestants spread their glutes apart using their hands for the judges. Oftentimes contestants will pull their trunks into thongs, or slightly bend over. Almost almost performed from the rear; however, occasionally from a slight side angle.

Phil Heath takes back the olympia after dominating the rear glute spread, bless Hany Rambodโ€™s palpating fingers.

by biceppeak69 August 14, 2021

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Glute Sloot

A girl who enjoys anal sex more than vaginal sex. Usually uses an enema before going out in preparation for the penetration.

Chuck: Mc Nasty's pussy is so fucking blown out. It was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. I had to hit that ass just so i could feel somthing.
Scovalo: Yeah she's a known glute sloot

by Younggriffis August 24, 2009

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