Source Code

Green Shirt Tuesday

A long standing tradition where people adorn themselves in green shirts. Not green dresses, not green jackets, not green UNDERshirts but SHIRTS.

George is wearing green, it must be green shirt Tuesday.

by pablo3289473857385473578458437 July 19, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Green Shirt Thursday

Wear a green shirt on Thursdays if you are a lonely single looking to score some action for the upcoming weekend. The green shirt will signal to those interested what your intent for that weekend is, and possibly help you hook up with a lovely individual.

Young and restless man participates in Green Shirt Thursday ... Adventurous and exotic women flock to him that weekend

by BAAJ March 7, 2006

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green shirt popped collar

People who wear green collared shirts, with the collar popped, are looking for a sex partner.

Diane: Hey, Jim is wearing a green shirt with a popped collar... I'll invite him over!

by Sid July 2, 2005

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Green T-Shirt

What you say when you want to be inconspicous about marijuana

Hey do you have that green t-shirt still for sale?

by Ryann Guzman December 14, 2005

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green t-shirts

Code for marijhuana. Usually spoken on telephones or in public.

"Hey man, got any green t-shirts?"

by cowsnose June 26, 2006

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Green T-Shirt

A t-shirt made with regard for the future. That is, a shirt not just made with today in mind. A green t-shirt can be made using sustainable and socially good practices and it can also have messages related to โ€œbeing green.โ€

I make a difference when I wear a green t-shirt.

by HUMANWEAR March 29, 2010

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neon green t-shirt

Bright green tee shirts.
Church groups like to wear them so they can find each other on field trips.

Kid 1: Where's Billy?
Kid 2: I don't know, but he should be easy to find because of his neon green t-shirt.

by Stephaniiieeee March 31, 2008

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