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Guess who's in my mouth

A popular party game, many men (ideally 10 or so) gather in a room while one guy gets on his knees blindfolded, then one random guy puts his penis in the blindfolded man's mouth, the blindfolded man must then guess who's in his mouth.

Me and the other guys got together last night and played "Guess who's in my mouth" all night.

by dickman 2.0 April 11, 2010

12πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

You are never going to guess who the best person in the world is

Read the first 2 words

You are never going to guess who the best person in the world is

by Fuck fucking fuck fucking fuck November 7, 2021

26πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

You hate Three Dog Night and The Guess Who

I believe I posted some of their songs and some of them never went through.

You hate Three Dog Night and The Guess Who?

I quite like some of their songs. I cannot stand Bachman-Turner Overdrive though. I heard their songs over and over till I got sick of them.

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker December 10, 2020

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

No-Repeat Guess Who

A game played with the traditional board game "guess who" but with slightly different rules. The difference is that a given question can only be asked once over a period of multiple games (usually for the whole weekend, or however long you're trapped in the cabin with nothing to do except play guess who, but possibly forever!).

If someone asks a repeat question, they lose.

Since the number of objective, declarative questions is rather finite, the later stages of No-Repeat Guess Who are similar to subjective guess who.

Questions are identified by their meaning - you can't change the word order, or add a trivial extra phrase, to ask what is essentially the same question twice.

Sample question from No-Repeat Guess Who: "Is your person a member of The Allman Brothers?"

by firebus July 22, 2010

Guess Who

A popular Garry's Mod gamemode where players have to disguise themselves as NPCs by changing into them and acting like them to avoid the hunters, whose job is to find them and kill them while taking care not to die by making too many mistakes.

Because of the unfair nature of the game, the hiders have various powers to aid them, including, but not limited to:

-Shockwave: All hunters close to the hider will be unable to move and their vision will become blurred, but only for a few seconds. -Graviton Surge: A large, purple vortex appears, sucking in anyone and anything that gets too close, potentially killing the hunters (and hiders!) when the objects slam into them.

-Sudoku: The hider begins growing and flashing random colors before exploding, dealing a massive amount of damage to anyone nearby, including the hunters. To prevent it from being too overpowered, the hider is also instantly killed, and the hunters can kill them before they explode.

-Teleport: Exactly what it sounds like.
-Timelapse: The hider's recent movements are quickly reversed at a warp speed, effectively teleporting them.

-Shrink: The hider's health is reduced to 40%; however, they briefly become smaller and faster.

-Prop Hunt: The hider's health is reduced to 10%; however, they briefly become a small, speedy object, like in prop hunt.

-Vampirism: Gives you extra health at the expense of the hunters.

-Decoy: Summons 1-7 NPCs around the user.

Despite this, Guess Who still is not very popular, because winning as a hider is damn near impossible.

by Someone who kinda exists September 8, 2021

Guess who

Don't chase bitches, let the bitches chase you

Everyone loves 'Guess who"

by Zalomis January 15, 2021