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2 Guys 1 Stump

A shock video on the internet which involves an amputeed soldier repeatedly shoving his stump into a fellow comrade's extremely wide arsehole.

2 Guys 1 Stump would make a good anti-army enlisting advert.

by kaslou April 21, 2011

134๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

2 guys 1 horse

Another internet gross-out video following in the steps of 2 girls 1 cup, 4 girls fingerpaint, and countless others. Video shows a naked guy bent over in front of a horse, which then jumps up and penetrates him, guided by another guy. Horse then starts thrusting aggressively while the guy moans loudly, ending with a LOT of horse jizz and screams from whoever is currently watching the video. The guy apparantly died later on, hardly surprising since the horse's dick was the size of his arm.

"Dude, did you see 2 guys 1 horse last night?"
"OMG, scared the shit out of me! Why would anyone do that?"

by Jack P Thomas March 31, 2008

948๐Ÿ‘ 426๐Ÿ‘Ž

2 guys one sandbox

The most painful video about a guy getting a dildo shuved in the head of his dick

Jack"go watch 2 guys one sandbox"
Jim"okay!*watches video"
Jim cries for the next two days thinking about it.

by 666jackass666 April 1, 2016

97๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

2 guys 1 egg

(noun) - Commercial produced by the English Cadbury chocolate company for Easter 2021 advertising. This commercial initially demonstrates mildly sexual overtones and ends with an interracial gay couple WITHOUT MASKS splitting an egg while kissing. During this kiss the filling stretches out between them and lands on their chins like a money shot. The narrator of the commercial simtaneously says "We are DOWN with that..." during the kiss.

Critics later signed a petition to have this commercial removed from television due to its sexually explicit nature and the fact they believe it is targeted to kids in order to normalize perverse sexual behavior. Critics also were upset that this commercial was thought to brainwash children into not wearing masks.

You see the new Cadbury commercial? I think I am going to be sick....

Yes...they are calling it the Golden Goobilee" but I call it 2 guys 1 egg or 2 gays 1 egg....

by $lapaho March 4, 2021

2 Guys 1 Cup

A home brew beer that is made by 2 buddies hanging out, using only 1 cup for wastage when siphoning the beer from fermenter to bottling bucket.

Have you tasted 2 Guys 1 Cup? It's a fantastic Hefeweizen perfect for spring and summer.

by hibbityjibbity July 26, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

2 guys 1 food

when two people stare at eachother or fight over who will have the last chip/donut/pizza roll

"me and tom had a 2 guys 1 food thing last night"

by The Depressed Llama April 22, 2018

2 Guys 1 Chainsaw

2 Guys 1 Chainsaw was a video of 2 guys getting killed. The first guy gets his head decapitated with a chainsaw. The second guy got beheaded with a knife and got a slower death.

Hey Chad did you watch 2 Guys 1 Chainsaw

Chad: Yes it was horrible!

by ExplainVid12 June 5, 2023

5๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž